Serve this Easy Layered Greek dip with baked pita chips and get the party started. Made with cucumbers, onions, olives and tomatoes, this cheesy layered...
Quick and easy chicken curry recipe. This is not traditional chicken curry recipe but the easiest way and it so delicious! Follow this recipe to learn...
Give out homemade treats that are great in hot cocoa -- or straight from the bag. Peppermint marshmallows are easy to make; they get their red swirl from...
Save yourself a trip to the diner, and make this Copycat Restaurant-Style Hash Brown Casserole at home. This Copycat Restaurant-Style Hash Brown Casserole...
This recipe can be found in "Emeril's Creole Christmas" cookbook, written by Emeril Lagasse and Marcelle Bienvenu, and is used to make a delicious Beef...
Swirl a little sweetness into dessert with these Cranberry Cheesecake Squares. Remember to bring everything to room temperature before mixing all the ingredients...
Shake up your menu with our Green Bean Casserole Amandine recipe. Green Bean Casserole Amandine is the perfect way to take your green bean casserole game...
Serve this Easy Layered Greek dip with baked pita chips and get the party started. Made with cucumbers, onions, olives and tomatoes, this cheesy layered...
If you like shrimps this recipe is definitely for you, crispy and juicy shrimp cakes that you must try! these shrimp cakes are pretty easy to make, you...
Save yourself effort this Thanksgiving when you try our Slow-Cooker Mashed Potatoes recipe. This scrumptious Slow-Cooker Mashed Potatoes recipe made with...
Get all the flavor of this festive holiday drink combined with a thick slice of cheesecake in this Holiday Eggnog Cheesecake recipe. Blend in the flavors...
This quick and easy chickpea curry is great alternative for those who don't eat chicken or meat. This curry is rich in flavor, smell amazing and really...
These fried eggplants are so crispy on the outside and so juicy on the inside. Really quick and easy recipe. Great side dish or appetizer for the weekend...
A luxurious side, this one-skillet medley of mushrooms such as shiitake, cremini, trumpet, and oyster, is finished with a touch of cream, a tad of sherry...
At over $30 a pound, the chanterelle is a special occasion mushroom that has earned the nickname 'queen of the woods'. In this elegant pan gravy, aromatics...
These mincemeat shortbread bars make a lovely change from the traditional mince pies and are much quicker to make. Buttery almond shortbread bars with...
Learn how to make a quiche at home from scratch. 4 easy and delicious quiche filling recipes and one recipe for flaky quiche crust. These are the quiche...
Bored with the usual (but delicious) roast chickens and glazed hams for Christmas dinner? This year, choose a juicy and succulent piece of beef to feed...
Learn how to make onion fritters (also known as onion latkes) - easy and delicious vegetarian recipe. These onion fritters are crispy on the outside and...
Onions stuffed with meat and rice - original, beautiful and interesting recipe for stuffed onion. these stuffed onion are so rich and flavor that you can...
Greek pastitsio (Pastichio) - a layer of pasta with cheese, layer of delicious meat mixture with tomato sauce and covered with third layer of rich béchamel...
This rosé pasta (pink sauce pasta) recipe is one of my favorite pasta dishes. A great combination of pasta with tomato sauce and pasta with creamy sauce....
Homemade garlic parmesan dinner rolls - crusty on the outside, tender and garlicky inside. These herbed garlic parmesan dinner rolls are delicious, and...
Spinach and cheese Quiche - this recipe is so delicious and rich! Good for special occasions, parties and birthdays. Instead of Gruyere cheese you can...
This delectable fudge is rich and silky-and only requires 10 minutes of hands-on prep work! It's fantastic with crushed candy canes (as shown), as well...
You can use any edible, fragrant flower or herb, such as lavender or rose geranium, in place of the rose petals to make herbal sugars. They're excellent...
The organic version of this rum sidesteps the pesticides found on most sugarcane (its primary ingredient). This winter nightcap recipe adds warming, spicy...
you will be surprised how easy it is to make these delicious broccoli cheese balls. They are baked but if you don't care about the calories you can fry...
Meat borek (also known as Börek/Burek) - A turkish (also popular in other middle eastern and balkan countries) recipe for crusty phyllo dough filled with...
Boeuf à la Mode recipe, Bavarian braised beef prepared step by step. Learn all the important tips: Meat selection, side dishes, stain, wonderful sauce,...