AWESOME Flavor!! A satisfying and fulfilling chowder for any lunch or dinner....just add crusty bread!! A good year around mainstay entree in our home!...
A quick, low-carb chowder. This soup is wonderfully smooth and filling, and thoroughly enjoyed at my house. Serve as is, or garnish with green onion or...
This is a chowder that uses ingredients that I almost always have on hand, so it is quick and easy to throw together before work, and come home to on a...
Are you looking for a quick but delicious seafood soup? Can't wait to make that stock and take all that extra time? Well.. this is the soup for you. It's...
I used to make this chowder when I lived in Florida where it was easy to get conch, however large clams (shelled) will also work. Recipe source: Bon Appetit...
I serve this chowder Christmas night. Everyone welcomes the change from all of the junk food and turkey. It is very creamy and satisfying. Serve it with...
This is a rich, traditional chowder recipe using tender and creamy bay scallops in place of clams. From Linda Larsen,Your Guide to Busy Cooks, on ABOUT.COM/busy...
A great, easy chowder made with bacon, potatoes, corn and fish. You can replace the milk with half-and-half or cream and the fish with seafood if you want...
This is a very creamy and spicy corn chowder with shrimp and poblano peppers. The lobster base is optional, but in my opinion you really need to use it...
This is a recipe I came up with a few years ago when I had a leftover ham bone from dinner, and it's wonderfully tasty. Good for using the leftovers after...
This is one of my favorite winter time soups! Really comforting on a cold day! Very easy to make and everyone I know seems to love it. This re-heats well...
I literally CRAVE this amazing, hearty soup from Panera when the weather begins to chill.... this is the closest recipe I have found to theirs. The best...
Chef Douglas Rodriguez of DeLaCosta restaurant in Chicago was born in America, but this recipe is inspired by his mother's black bean soup, which offered...
From Juneau Empire dot com. D.V., of Ketchikan, said when the weather turns chilly this is one of the first recipes she turns to. D.V. also entered this...
Extreme comfort food! Cheese and vegetables in a velvety sauce. My steak and potatoes husband frequently requests this soup with fresh sourdough bread...
I've made this recipe so many times and it is fantastic! It is easy to do and tastes soooo good! Give it a try tonight! It was the Top-Rated recipe in...
Ready, Set, Cook! Special Edition Contest Entry: This recipe was an inspiration from my first experience eating a chowder. Being from the south, I had...
A creamy and satisfying chowder. A hearty soup with onions and tender potatoes. Delivers favorite flavors of sweet-kernel corn and tender chunks of smokey...
This recipe is great to use up leftover ham from holiday dinners. It is warm and hearty and is very easy to make in your slow cooker. I love that the potatoes...
A creamy chowder that came about on Super Bowl Sunday when I was digging in the freezer for chicken wings and came upon a pound of frozen conch. Very colorful....
Recipes used as base, but adapted heavily when combined: Autumn Mixed Bean Soup with Sausage from The Spruce Eats, and Simple Summer Corn Soup from The...
I created this for the Ready Set Cook contest in 2003. Morsels of mock crab in a spicy creamy asparagus soup. Microwaving the vegetables is a time and...
I just love coming home from a long day at work to a cooked dinner! Right when you walk in the door you can smell the wonderful soup, so we dig in as soon...
This hearty, dairy-free soup has both sweetness and bite! It can be served immediately or chilled overnight to intensify the flavors. Top with grated Colby...
This is a thick, creamy, and very flavorful chowder, and would be amazing in a bread bowl. I've made a lot of modifications to the original recipe as far...
Conchs are quite popular in South Florida, as most there come from the Bahamas, were they are plentiful. If you cannot get frozen conchs, chopped clams...
I've had this recipe for three years. If I remember right the person who gave it to me said it came from a newspaper article from Seattle Washington. I...