These colors don't run, but they do stain, so I recommend eating this delicious, red, white and blueberry chicken outdoors at a barbeque. Smoky, spicy...
Using the spice rub from the popular "Roast Sticky Chicken-Rotisserie Style" recipe found on this site, make a complete one-skillet roasted chicken breast...
If you like Chicken Breasts, and Chicken Alfredo in particular, this recipe is going to blow your socks off!! SOOO easy, SOOOO yummy, and if you have any...
Chicken breasts with herbed cream cheese, wrapped in puff pastry and baked. A very easy but delicious dish, good for company! This recipe is derived from...
Southern Fried Chicken - The recipe and introductory text below are excerpted from The Dooky Chase Cookbook by Leah Chase and are part of our story on...
I used another recipe for inspiration and came up with this recipe that is my own creation. The sauteed chicken breasts are topped with a rich and flavorful...
The famous Chicken Marbella from the Silver Palate Cookbook. This recipe has been bringing down the house for years and I have made serious adaptations...
This is a quick and easy meal if you have leftover cornbread on hand, or use a packaged mix. The chicken livers are optional, but do give this an authentic...
This is one of my son-in-law's favourite chicken recipes. This recipe can also be made 'lighter' for those on a low fat diet by using a low fat cheese...
This is my daughter's favorite comfort food. We started out making this recipe with a canned cream soup and transitioned over the years to a from-scratch...
Serve this famous Mexican dish with serve the dish with rice, homemade pork tamales, picadillo, flour tortillas, and a salad of tossed greens and tomatoes....
My Mom always served this cold at our family picnics, but misplaced the recipe for over 40 years. She recently found it and shared it with me! Finally!...
This is a quick, easy and tasty meal - my husband's favorite! If you can make ahead and let marinate, it is even better. Roll on up to the stove and make...
This recipe is very simple to prepare, and tastes delicious. A perfect weeknight recipe. Do leave the skin and bones on the chicken pieces for more flavor...
Roasting is the easiest way to cook a chicken. For maximum browning, use a rimmed baking sheet instead of a high-sided roasting pan. Create a complete...
Take taco night to the next level with this weeknight spin on cheesy, crunchy flautas. After stuffing them with a smoky, spicy ground chicken-chipotle...
Tarragon is one of the most aromatic and sweetest herbs that there is. It's good with chicken and really nice in a marinade like this. A good way to mix...
Very simple hot, hot wings for grilling. Marinate your chicken in a simple hot sauce and grill up while basting those spicy wings with more of that sauce...
Another great recipe from my Aunt Toni. Unusual but wonderfully tasty as was proved this Fall when my DH and I won a chili cook-off with it. Hope you enjoy...
B'stilla, a traditional Moroccan recipe, was the inspiration for this savory pie. The dish consists of a spiced chicken filling sandwiched between layers...