This is a recipe from her weeknight dinner show. I love piccata and this is wonderful served over pasta and I served with salad and garlic bread. NOTE:...
This is a simple worknight dish that will totally surprise you with flavor. It's great because every cook I know has all of these ingredients in their...
My favorite dish at our local Mexican Restaurant. Chicken, mushrooms & onions in a spicy cream sauce, YUM! Very rich, but so delish! A real comfort food....
I have searched all over for a GREAT white chili recipe, I finally found one. This is SUPER easy and pretty quick. As with all chili, increase or decrease...
This is my homemade recipe that I have been working on for over 10 years. Many people have devoured this meal, and enjoyed its rich and authentic Italian...
A recipe that I thought sounded delicious from Paula Deen's Comfort Food Magazine. Posting for safe keeping. Update 10/17/2013: Made this for DH and myself,...
From the Voodoo restaurant, as published in the Toronto Star a long time ago. Not for the calorie conscious but delicious ... it's nice to indulge once...
This is a wonderful 1-dish meal that my kids just LOVE! It's so easy that I can make it as soon as I get home from work, and when it's done in the oven,...
WOW, I give this 5 stars! I was more than pleasantly surprised with this recipe. Even the picky kids loved it. Definitely company worthy. Serve with wide...
My best-to-date copycat recipe for replicating KFC's 'Extra Crispy' chicken. Note: This recipe requires 1/2 cup of my Recipe #453973. Yields one batch...
OMG! You've got to try this! My DH created this 10 years ago. I forgot how wonderful it tastes. There was a time where we had this at least once a week!...
My husband has recently declared my kitchen a cilantro-free zone :( so unfortunately I haven't yet tried this dish, but I am posting it because it sounds...
I was browsing chicken & noodle recipes on Zaar, but there aren't many with homemade noodles & IMHO that's the best part. I am posting the current evolution...
I love Lemon Piccata recipes. This one is made with Chicken but you can substitute Veal and works great. The original recipe came from the back of the...
The Cobb Salad was originally created by Bobb Cobb who owned the Brown Derby Restaurant in Hollywood, California. This version comes from Michael Bonacini...
I had never made curry before but decided to give it a shot. I would call this recipe a medium-hot dish. I put in quite a bit of curry, but there is a...
Warr Shu Gai or Almond Boneless Chicken, like chop suey, is a Chinese-inspired American dish. So far as I have been able to determine, it originated in...
I have found that it works great to make the "filling" up a head of time. Just prep and put in the refrigerator until needed. This is one of our favorite...
This is my FAVORITE dish at Johnny Carino's in my town and this is my rendition of the recipe. My husband says it tastes exactly like theirs. I have played...
We like to have this for dinner during the summer - a tasty light meal that doesn't heat up the kitchen. You could serve tortilla chips on the side, if...
My hometown newspaper (The Orlando Sentinel) finally published this, my favorite chicken dish ever, in their "Thought you'd never ask" column. There are...
This recipe has been a huge hit with everyone who has ever tried it. We make it almost weekly, and the leftovers are eaten immediately. It is also very...