My mother was one of the best cooks I ever knew. When she made stews we mostly found dumplings in them. We never ate things from packages or microwaves...
This is an easy slow cooker recipe that cooks while you are at work! It is wonderful on a cold, snowy day. I have four children who are picky eaters, and...
This is my first attempt at making caldo de pollo. I think it turned out great. You might need to add salt to taste as my recipe doesn't have very much....
This soup is perfect as an introduction to a full Greek meal, or a hearty bowlful for a meal in itself. Serve with fresh pita triangles, and you'll be...
This easy-to-make chicken and hominy soup is one of many great Mexican Christmas traditions, or simply delicious whenever you want to eat something warm...
The mix of flavors and textures in this soup are a treat. Its great for the slow cooker on busy days. I serve it with corn muffins and a dollop of sour...
Most of the ingredients for this Thai-inspired soup can be found in the supermarket. The red curry paste is spicy, but by controlling the amount of paste...
Not only is this American classic American and classic, it is also one of the most comforting things you'll ever eat and the great thing about this dumpling...
Pressure cooker or slow cooker! Super easy set-it-and-forget-it meal, with all the enchilada taste in a soup. Garnish with cilantro, avocado, red onion,...
This is a classic favorite! A Pennsylvania Dutch chicken corn soup - complete with rivels (for anyone who doesn't know what rivels are, they are little...
Tom Kha Gai - Thai chicken coconut soup aromatic of lemongrass, lime kaffir leaves and galangal, gives you a refreshing aftertaste with a creamy taste...
Whenever you're feeling sick, this will make you feel better! Trust me, you can even freeze it, this way you have it whenever you need it. Serve with egg...
My husband tried to tell me not to submit this recipe... he doesn't want the whole world to know about it, but I say share what you have! Serve with warm...
This is the traditional recipe made in Greek kitchens. The basic Avgolemono (broth and lemon) can be varied for other similar Greek recipes. Serve with...
This is a great recipe for Southern-style chicken and dumplings. My husband doesn't usually like chicken and dumplings, but he absolutely loved these and...
This is a traditional recipe good for anything that ails you. It's the absolute best when you've got the flu, and it's great the second and third day....
Beginning with my Fast Chicken Soup Base it is easy to knock hours off of the cooking time usually needed for homemade chicken soup and still end up with...
Avgolemono is one of those soups that I've made many times, but rarely from scratch. It's usually a 'there's nothing in the house' type of thing and made...
This is the best recipe for OLD TIME TASTE, DOWN HOME COOKING chicken and dumplings. For some of us that like getting our hands dirty when cooking, you...
This soup will cure what ails you. Even if it's just hunger. Healthy, low carb, and great for a rainy day. I've been making this recipe for 30 years, and...
We had a Chinese restaurant that made two soups that I loved how they tasted. When they went out of business, we looked for someone else that made these...
My Grandma grew up on a farm and this was her recipe - no shortcuts but still pretty easy. For best results you must use a whole chicken and flour. You...
Fantastic authentic Thai hot and sour soup. Ideal as a starter in a Thai meal. Not very filling, but a great appetizer. Very quick and easy to prepare....
A copycat recipe of my favorite Greek restaurant. Creamy (but dairy-free) chicken and lemon soup. Delicious on its own or served with a Greek salad and...
This is a great soup that can be spiced up or tamed down depending on your individual taste. Keep in mind that you if can not purchase fresh tomatillos...
I wanted the richness of long-simmered chicken stew, but without the fuss of using a whole chicken. This compromise, using boneless skinless chicken thighs...