Traditional paella is made with rice. This recipe replaces the rice with quinoa, which is very good at absorbing the flavor of whatever it cooks in. This...
This recipe is simple, yet delicious. The chicken is prepared in a slightly different way than usual, but comes out deliciously! My husband and his best...
This recipe is simple, yet delicious. The chicken is prepared in a slightly different way than usual, but comes out deliciously! My husband and his best...
Originally prepared as a special dinner-for-two, boneless, skinless chicken breasts are prepared with a white wine combination and then slow baked to melt...
Originally prepared as a special dinner-for-two, boneless, skinless chicken breasts are prepared with a white wine combination and then slow baked to melt...
I wanted to make a quick and light recipe using quinoa, and I had some asparagus and red peppers in the fridge -- who knew that the combination could taste...
This only takes about 25 minutes to make. Very easy and fabulous flavor! This is very popular in Thailand. They sell this on the streets as well as in...
This only takes about 25 minutes to make. Very easy and fabulous flavor! This is very popular in Thailand. They sell this on the streets as well as in...
This is a tried-and-tested recipe! I remember seeing an ad on TV about cooking with mayonnaise and decided to give it a shot. I've made it with just the...
This is a tried-and-tested recipe! I remember seeing an ad on TV about cooking with mayonnaise and decided to give it a shot. I've made it with just the...
Chicken, creamy soups, and sour cream in a slow cooker - cook all day, ready for you when you get home. Only 4 ingredients! Everyone loves this, a no hassle...
Chicken, creamy soups, and sour cream in a slow cooker - cook all day, ready for you when you get home. Only 4 ingredients! Everyone loves this, a no hassle...
You can play with this recipe by changing the meat or soup to anything that goes together and sounds good to you. I freeze this for those last minute meals...
Tired of everything being spicy and looking for a quick, nice dinner with a subtle flavor? Try this! Chicken breasts are laid on a bed of broccoli, and...
This is a tried-and-tested recipe! I remember seeing an ad on TV about cooking with mayonnaise and decided to give it a shot. I've made it with just the...
This delicious and comforting Southern chicken and dumplings recipe will have you coming back for more. It's simple to make and can be thrown together...
Recently served to 75 women at a District United Methodist Women's, Spring Day Apart. Raves! Easy for a large group. Served with green beans, broiled peach...
This recipe was developed as a simple alternative to typical Valentine's fare for one of my client's Valentine's Day Dinner. It was a great success and...