Totally delicious and refreshing, this creamy margarita cheesecake pie pairs beautifully with a spicy Mexican meal of tacos, enchiladas, rice and beans....
Made with Cottage Cheese and Cream Cheese and the addition of Mace gives this cheesecake a very unique and lucious taste. This comes from the Sauce Master...
There are a couple of similar recipes that I found on Zaar, but none exactly like this one, which came from The Joy of Cranberries: The Tangy Red Treat...
This simple to do cheesecake uses General Foods International Coffee mix, Swiss Mocha flavor. I was given some in the spring and it's too hot right now...
This cheesecake is sure to please! It has a luscious blend of pineapple, coconut and ginger! Adapted from Source magazine put out by Sam's Club. Note:...
The Blue Owl is a very cute, tea room type of establishment, in Kimmswick Missouri. Kimmswick is a very small and special little town that has lots of...
This is my mother, Stacey Leon's, traditional Russian Easter dessert served with Easter bread (Kulich). I always had a difficult time making this before...
This recipe is not the real thing! But when I'm taking in 1200 calories/day and working out 2-3 hours/day training for competitions, I have to watch my...
This is my adaptation of a Better Homes & Gardens recipe for New York Style Cheesecake-- only my version makes the ENTIRE thing pumpkin, and is much lighter...
Personal sized Cookies N Cream Cheesecake!! I usually halve the recipe and it works fine. Also, I don't always have room in my fridge for the whole muffin...
This recipe is from my old tattered 1981 Better Homes cookbook. Tattered, because I've made this recipe so many times through the years I've worn the book...
I found this on a blog called "Grace's Sweet Life" and fell in love with the idea of using an Oreo cookie as the "crust" for these tasty individual mini...
This is a very dense cheesecake with a very smooth and creamy filling. The crust tastes like a lemon cookie. This does take some time to make but very...
I had found this recipe in Taste of Home and lost it. I refound it in the Woman's World Magazine. We love this cheesecake! I did not use their crust, I...
This recipe is very easy to make. I used Chef Lennie's Cheesecake cooking directions on her basic philly cheesecake recipe and it has given me the best...
This is a recipe from the Cleveland Indians contributed by Karen Olson. Slightly different from the other Pumpkin Cheesecake Bar recipe. This one uses...
This is a very quick, easy and delicious dessert. We like ours with berries on top, and the sweet berry juice running down the sides. Yum! (Please note...
I made this recipe from Southern Living for Christmas and everyone just loved it! The recipe makes two 9 inch cheesecakes so it feeds a lot of people....
This recipe was one my Mom would make often and it always received many compliments. I now bring it to potluck dinners. I love how easy it is to make and...
James Martin is a master at dessert & here is another one of his creations - can you see why he's one of my favourite chefs? This recipe is for one individual...