This recipe was given to Bon Appetit magazine by the renowned Victoria, B.C. restaurant, Pagliacci's. It's been an institution in that beautiful city for...
This is the first cheesecake recipe I have made with NO CRACKS! It was delicous, light but rich. I served with strawberry sauce and fresh raspberries....
This cheesecake has an all butter shortbread base, and Toblerone melted into the batter of the cheesecake. It is easy to make and impresses people at the...
An incredible cheesecake! Top this with not only chips, but crushed chocolate wafers, almonds, and the most heavenly chocolate you can find. I served this...
This is a good example of new age Indian cuisine at its best. A elegant dessert that takes nothing to make. You just need all the ingredients in the pantry...
From, a delicious cheesecake recipe that reminds me of my favourite childhood ice cream - my sister and I always saved our favourite flavour...
"Dulce de leche is a soft milk-caramel confection that is yet again one of the year's top flavors. If you don't have time to make the sauce, look for it...
This was posted in McCall's April 1995. It is a McCall's Cooking School recipe. A classic New York-style dessert updated with a triple hit of nutty flavor....
Make-Ahead. I found this recipe in Favorite Recipes Quick & Easy Desserts. I have not tried this recipe, but I'm posting it for safe keeping. I plan to...
I was never a lover of cheesecake till I came across this recipe (now I cant keep away from the stuff :) ) I've served it over and over again and always...
You will love, love, love this cheesecake recipe and best of all, it's no bake!!! Not only is it easy, peasy to make but everyone will love it! Even my...
I spend my childhood summers every year at my favorite place on earth, Key West, Florida. This recipe brings back great memories for me, and it's sweetness...
Since I don't care for traditional pie crust, I usually eat only the filling of pie," writes Deanne Causey of Midland, Texas. "That changed when I discovered...
This cheesecake is a recipe rescue! A healthier cheesecake alternative. It is made without a crust, making it low in fat. But if you make it with your...
Ok, so it's not a "traditional" cheesecake, but it's easy and tastes soooo good!! My grandmother used to make this all the time when I was little, and...
"One slice is never enough of this dreamy cheesecake. The rich filling and golden glaze tempt your taste buds with a delicate hint of lemon." From taste...
YUMMY!!My husband said this is the grown-up version of Strawberry Shortcake...try it, you won't regret it! Cook time is actually chill time. We are lucky...
I've been making this since the 1970's and it's great for satisfying that cheesecake craving. For pot luck or family gatherings, double the recipe and...
Yes i know that there are other pumpkin bourbon cheesecakes on here but this one is a bit different. It is the one that my mom has been making every year...
by Debbie Quimby At We stumbled on this recipe in one of her mom's cookbooks last year. We all love pineapple so we gave it a go. Now...
This is a very delicious and rich refreshing dessert. You can cut this in half and use a 9X12 glass pan as well. This is one of my moms recipes, and where...
Posting this for safekeeping, since it combines two of my favorite things -- cheesecake and guava. Adapted from "In the Sweet Kitchen" by Regan Daley....
Ok, fine, I am a cheesecake snob. The rich, dense, smooth & unctuous cheesecakes (no flour please) with shortbread crusts are my favorites (no greasy graham...
Why do the extra steps (and calories) of making a crust when you can whip up a batch of these impressive treats in minutes flat. Top with anything from...
A mini cheesecake recipe from Nestle. Great for Christmas cookie exchange, bake sales, Valentines, office party, tailgate party or just about anytime....
This cheesecake is very light unlike most cheesecakes. My husband found the recipe on the graham cracker pie crust. It is delicious!!! Just make sure that...
This is adapated from Giada de Laurentiis' recipe on TFN. Keeping it here for safe keeping in case in ever disappears over there. This is truly the BEST...