An adaptation of NurseDi's Recipe 175105. Very easy and quick to prep. A combination of two great flavours in the crust, a creamy and tangy cheesecake...
You can use store-bought pralines to make the crust, but Big Sugar's quick praline recipe is worth the extra effort, as is the buttery caramel sauce that...
Recipe is from the Carnegie Deli in midtown Manhattan. (As published in my local newspaper). Read full recipe and "notes" before starting, this cheesecake...
Easy to make and looks quite elegant. I put a little caramel sauce on the plate, set the slice on, them make a few swirls on top. Looks as good as it tastes....
my grandma used to make this all the time. one of our family favorites... there are 2 other similar recipes on recipezaar, but they aren't quite the way...
In Australian Tables Magazine November 2007. Looks absolutely delicious and if I wasn't diabetic would give it a go and the DH doesn't like mangoes so...
I found this gem in the debbie Macomber christmas cookbook. It will be served on my christmas dessert buffet this year.. for the crust I used girl scout...
I have not tried this recipe. I got this recipe from The Everything Low Carb Cookbook. You can vary the flavor by substituting different extracts for citrus...
This is a no bake cheesecake recipe from the book, The Recipe Hall of Fame Cookbook. Everyone at our house loves cheesecake! And this looks scrumptious....
My grandmother always made this wonderfully light and airy cheesecake and it requires no baking other than the graham cracker crust. I'm always asked for...
Cheesecake was one of man's earliest produced treats, and may the tradition continue. This is for phase 3. This came from South Beach Diet Cookbook. I...
From Better Homes and Gardens December 2009. "This dessert can be made, covered, and refrigerated up to three days. Top it with the sugared kumquats right...
Preparation time does not include cooling time, which is extensive. It would be best to make this a day ahead or at the very least, first thing in the...
What self respecting New Yorker would not have a cheesecake recipe handy? Having grown up on Juniors Cheesecake I am a bit biased but this one is just...
This rich, dark chocolate marbled cheesecake, on a almond crust is meant for those with a passion for chocolate. Looks so rich :) just don't count calories!...
Entered for safe-keeping, from Karen Harris,, for Eggland's Best, with tweaks and adapted by me for 6-quart or larger 15 psi pressure cooker....
I saw Ina Garden make this yesterday and I had to post it so I wouldn't forget the recipe - it looked great. It is also a great way to use up the currant...
An original recipe that I've experimented with. This is a simple enough cheesecake. You may also try drizzled caramel or peanut butter for variety!! Enjoy...
I found this recipe in Family Circle magazine. I have not tried this recipe, but I'm posting this for safe keeping. I plan to use no sugar added vanilla...
I am of Polish ancestry (both parents were Polish) and this is the recipe I came across recently that seems to be like the cheesecake we had at Easter...
Fresh, simple cheese is synonymous with Easter baking. Syrnyk, or syrnyi perih is a must for family desserts at Easter time. The very traditional version...
This is an adapatation of my Tiramisu Cheesecake, recipe #161274. My friend and I have been waiting to try this recipe and thought they would be great...
I got this from the Kraft web site a while ago. I love pumpkin and this is so great tasting. When you take the time to decorate it with the pecans and...
I haven't tried this recipe yet, but I saw it in a Southern Living magazine and it sounds great. Refrigerating time should be taken into consideration...