While brandy is the traditional partner for fruit cake, you could also try using a dessert sherry such as Pedro Ximénez. It's an intensely sweet, dark...
This boldly spiced upside-down pear gingerbread cake combines your favorite holiday spices with juicy pears, brown sugar caramel sauce, and cool whipped...
This dairy-free cheesecake has a chocolatey rich mousse-like texture that is absolutely amazing. It's the perfect recipe to have up your sleeve for any...
Covered Apple Cake (Gedeckter Apfelkuchen) is one of the cakes you're sure to find in almost every single bakery across Germany. To make it, you line a...
Easy pistachio cake recipe, homemade with simple ingredients. Starts off with yellow cake mix, pistachio pudding and topped off with whipped cream. Super...
Real milk chocolate-not just cocoa powder-gives this cake its rich, chocolatey flavor. With a foolproof, one-bowl preparation, effortless frosting, and...