These fun, delicious, gorgeous-looking muffins are a sweet treat to make when the fall rolls around and apples are in season. This recipe is lightened...
Overnight oats are all the rage and these are even better, warm and super satisfying. Only 15 minutes of prep and eight hearty servings of flavor-filled...
Creamy ricotta cheese and beaten egg whites ensure that these lemony pancakes are rich yet ultra light. Make a double batch and freeze to enjoy at another...
Simply stir the ingredients together before bedtime and wake up to a comforting bowl of creamy, filling oats. For variation, you can mix things up and...
Try these moist and flavorful muffins for breakfast or a tea time treat. Black cherry yogurt works like buttermilk to lend an amazingly rich texture but...
This frittata is simple but satisfying. It's perfect for a hearty breakfast or brunch. Using prepared vegetables makes it a snap! First, sauté some onions,...
With intense, concentrated banana flavor, these pancakes truly live up to their name. Bound simply with beaten eggs and containing no flour or starch,...
Wake up to something wonderful with this Tex-Mex breakfast treat. Ready in just 25 minutes, each serving contains tender eggs and spicy beans topped with...
A frittata is the ultimate easy-on-the-cook egg dish for breakfast or brunch. It's impressive-looking enough to serve for a crowd, but simple enough to...
A staple for breakfast or brunch, stratas are comforting, warming, and satisfying. The egg-soaked bread and vegetables are topped with rich, creamy goat...
An incredibly easy brunch entrée, these mini frittatas are pretty on the plate and ready in minutes. Serve alongside a spinach salad or atop a quick blender...
Surprise the muffin lovers in your house with this savory, cheesy number, loaded with layers of crumbled blue cheese. Not a fan of blue cheese? Feel free...
To make life easy, especially when serving a family or brunch guests, you can cook this French toast before everyone shows up for breakfast. Place a wire...
This is the easiest way to make french toast for a crowd! Slices of cinnamon-raisin bread soak up a custardy mixture of eggs, milk, and vanilla. In the...
Meet your new favorite brunch recipe. This all-in-one sheet-pan meal combines cheesy potatoes with perfectly baked eggs. Using refrigerated shredded potatoes...
Enjoy these 2-bite mini frittatas with just a sprinkle of your favorite seasonings, or customize them by adding a tablespoon or two of your favorite vegetables,...
Choose your own adventure and have this non-starchy veg-packed dish for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. For lightning-fast prep, beat the egg mixture together...