Forget about hot wings! These spicy "meatballs" combine white beans and mushrooms for a delicious meatless version of your favorite buffalo-and-blue cheese...
Throughout the South this humble dish of "peas" and rice is eaten on New Year's Day for good luck, with a plate of greens, cooked with a hog jowl and plenty...
For easy, hands-off dinner prep, throw the ingredients for this hearty chili into your slow cooker, or create a freezer packet that's slow cooker-ready...
Use the biggest beans you can buy for this Greek-inspired dish-baby limas are easy to find, but gigante beans are amazing too. Serve it at room temperature...
Hominy, or hulled corn kernels, is the backbone of this Mexican soup (pronounced poh-SOH-lay), which can easily be made vegetarian by using vegetable stock...
Requiring labor-intensive veal stock and a tableside flambé, this restaurant dish is usually impractical for the home cook. But we found a shortcut you'll...
Calico beans are a satisfying cross between chili, baked beans, and a sloppy joe filling. Full of a homemade barbecue-style sauce, these calico beans are...
I set out to create my own version of baked beans. This variation is deeply savory, with anchovies, bacon, and a brown butter-tomato sauce anchoring the...