These wholesome bars are just like Starbucks blueberry squares (if not better!) My favorite thing about this recipe is the oatmeal base/crumble topping....
We all loved this one! It has the texture of a brownie, but the taste of a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie. My kids both helped me make it and eat...
Hearty, yummy, and even fairly healthy (if you want it to be!). These are not like granola bars but more like a brownie with a nice crust. Originally taken...
VERY MOIST!! Popular apple bars with carmel frosting! The absolute best of all the apple recipes I have ever tried. Grating the apples helps let the apple...
I make these every Christmas for the cookie tray that I always have well stocked for our family's annual Christmas party. This is such a simple recipe...
A delicious twist on an old favorite. A rich and sinful caramel layer nestled between two layers of Krispies bars. It is sweet, it is gooey, and once you...
This is a thick, satisfying, tender, and chewy bar cookie/blondie. A perfect holiday recipe! Don't overcook, as you want these to be moist. I got this...
My friend Val gave me this recipe. She got my kids hooked on them, so she had to! Sometimes I make them without the chocolate topping and they're still...
You'll find these bars at Starbucks during special holidays. The texture is like a chewy brownie, but the flavors include white chocolate, zesty orange,...
After reading so many recipes on here for 7 Layer Bars, I decided to post my tried and true recipe for these delicious things. They are chewy and crisp...
These are the *best* bars and so easy to make, the trick to these is not to overbake, mine bake out perfectly in a 350 degree oven, second-lowest rack...
Oooey, Gooey, Rich and Chewy. If you are a fan of cake-like brownies, these are NOT for you. This makes a small pan of brownies that are moist and dense...
Great for potlucks, you may double the complete recipe and bake in two pans these freeze very well, in place of the nuts dried cranberries or raisins may...
This recipe came from the can of Ghirardelli Brand Sweet Ground chocolate and Cocoa (found with the baking supplies). They were so great that I made them...
I used to be famous for these and was expected to bring them everywhere I went. They are a lovely, chewy type brownie that needs no icing. The recipe came...
Nanaimo Bars are a traditional Canadian bar cookie whose origins are in Nanaimo, British Columbia. My Mom used to make these when I was a child. She was...
Real quick and easy to make! I got this recipe from an acquaintance at a boardgame night. The original recipe called for walnuts, but I think pecans are...
These bars are EXTREMELY RICH and not for people with a fear of CHOCOLATE and PEANUT BUTTER (if those people actually exist)!!! Very easy no bake 5 ingredient...
Named after the city of Nanaimo in British Columbia, the first time this square was published under that name was in the early 1950's in the Vancouver...
My MIL's easy, no fail date squares...Make an extra batch of the date jam its good on its own...over bagels or toast. If your date jam is a little thick....
During a visit to my future in-laws house many years ago, a friend of theirs made these delicious apricot bars. Before I flew home, I had the recipe in...
This can be made on top of the stove or in the microwave using a large heat-proof bowl --- this recipe is pretty much fool-proof so don't worry about exact...