This recipe is a family favorite. It is great for using overripe bananas. I usually double the recipe and make two loaves. You can also add walnuts if...
This is a very versatile and fast cake recipe. Not only is it moist and delicious, the same batter can be used to make banana bread and muffins. Delicious...
This recipe has been handed down in my family for generations. It's a good way to use overripe bananas. It's also a moist cookie that travels well either...
My grandma ran a country club and a restaurant in her day. She can make amazing food, but sometimes it's hard to get a recipe from her because she doesn't...
Simple and wholesome popsicles. My mom used to help us make these when we were kids and I still enjoy them years later. Use honey as an alternate sweetener,...
If you like banana cream pie, you'll absolutely love baked banana pudding. Not only is there no pie crust to mess with, but I think the vanilla wafer cookies...
This cake is a very moist banana cake that travels well to pot lucks or picnics. It can also be baked in a 9x13 pan or an angel food cake pan. It is a...
When bananas are over-ripe, don't throw them away. Peel them, wrap them in plastic wrap, and freeze them. Two ingredients are all you need to make this...
Impress your friends with this Hummingbird Cake--a recipe that has been passed down through many generations. If desired, crush additional nuts and press...
These cupcakes are fluffy, moist, and good to eat at any time of day. This recipe is very easy to do, so cheer up and bake! They are easy, delicious, and...
A favorite banana cake recipe that I have used for everything from a brunch treat to a requested birthday cake to a potluck. It always get rave reviews....
This recipe simply repeats a mistake I made trying to follow the Banana Banana Bread recipe with a deliciously moist result, turning a banana bread into...
A lovely summer cake that requires no cooking. This recipe contains raw eggs. We recommend that pregnant women, young children, the elderly and the infirm...
A small banana is added to a basic made-from-scratch brownie for a hint of banana flavor. This is a fudgy brownie and it does not rise much. Add 1/2 cup...
When you think show-stopping, special occasion desserts, you usually don't think simple-and-fast, but that's the case with bananas Foster. This delicious...
These cool treats are great on a hot day! Play around with the ingredients a little -- you can use almond butter, cashew butter, cashews, granola, or whatever...
This large parfait can be made for a delicious breakfast - or it can be halved for a yummy snack. Enjoy it using fresh or frozen blueberries, but fresh...
A friend of mine couldn't make up her mind between banana cream pie and cheesecake for her birthday, so I came up with this rich and creamy concoction....
I should rename these to the Houdini cookies, with how fast they vanish from my kitchen. Very fluffy and delicious. My daughter just turned one and loves...