Fill these classic Thumbprint Cookies with any preserves that strike your fancy. Some would say you cant have a great cookie platter without Thumbprint...
Whip up a batch of the Easy Chocolate Truffles recipe-they'll only taste complicated. Elegant yet easy, Easy Chocolate Truffles are made with cream cheese,...
Discover a delicious holiday dessert with our Pecan Bars recipe. Layer creamy pecan pie filling on top of a crispy cookie crust to make these luscious...
Toss together this Easy Apple Coleslaw in just ten minutes! This recipe is great for a summer picnic or to accompany pork chops or fried chicken. Enjoy...
Discover a sweet and fruity dessert that the whole crowd will love with our Pear Upside-Down Cake recipe. This Pear Upside-Down Cake is a pound cake-like...
Forget making pie crust that looks perfect! Instead, make this scrumptiously sweet and Rustic Fruit Tart full of plums and nectarines, as well as a pie...
Add a new cookie recipe to your collection, and cook these scrumptious Pastel JELL-O Cookies !! These JELL-O cookies have JELL-O Gelatin in the dough and...