This is a DELICIOUS recipe that is EASY to make, and is also LOW CARB and LOW SUGAR for people that are DIABETIC. I usually serve my Bok Choy recipe with...
I didn't really get this recipe from anyone, it's just (for as long as I can remember) one of the basic ways that I have always prepared scallops. It's...
This baked brie puff pastry is rich, creamy, and dessert-like. It always disappears. I'm always asked for the recipe. Raspberry preserves goes great in...
Taken from Rachael Ray's 30-minute meals, this is amazingly quick, fresh, and light - can be made with any type of fish fillet. Of course, my usual salad-in-a-bag...
I finally managed to get Aunt Barb to divulge her recipe! Serve with rice or a nice crusty bread to dip in the tasty sauce. PLEASE NOTE: When adding chicken...
This salmon recipe is so simple and yet extremely impressive; I often serve it to company or on special occasions and I'm always asked for the recipe....
I am an avid collector of recipes. A young lady, a former KFC employee, was looking at my recipes one evening when she discovered this one. She told me...
This pickled garlic is great for snacking on straight from the jar, or you can add it to salads or even cooked recipes. Many grocery stores now carry peeled...
This is a very easy recipe that can be made on a budget. Whitefish like catfish, whiting, and tilapia can be used. It's healthy and quick, I make this...
Absolutely delicious! Cheese filled tortellini in a creamy parmesan sauce with prosciutto and peas. A fabulous entree for a romantic dinner that is fairly...
Look for fresh mini mozzarella balls in the gourmet cheese section of your supermarket. This is an easy meal to prepare, and a delicious one ot eat!! Campanelle...
This is a copy cat recipe. When I lived in Bellevue I would buy this dip from Top Foods. The last time there I saved the container and wrote down the ingredients...
A compliation of several different recipes that I found - none were *quite* right. To save time and money, you can also sub in Marzetti's Blue Cheese Vinagarette...
This actually was pretty darn delicious. I used an entire 8 ounces of cream cheese, and It was terrific. Recipe courtesy of The Recipe Critic. Serving...
This delicious chicken caesar salad can be thrown together easily on a work night. I took this to a carry in at my SIL's and was so embarrassed because...
For a perfectly simple dinner, serve this salmon with grilled or broil asparagus and a mix of California brown and wild rices. Developed by California...
Buttery and lush with garlic, this dish, though simple to prepare, feels indulgent. Adapted from Gourmet. Please note: this is an adopted recipe and I...
This tenderloin has a very nice crust on it. Some minced garlic in the mustard mixture adds a nice kick. I have also used the same mustard crust on a pork...
I found this recipe on Pinterest, and thought it needed to be shared here. I searched, and haven't seen anything like it. Since finding this recipe, this...
This is a VERY good, simple Meuniere. Sometimes I use tilapia...I think you can use almost any kind of firm white fish. Be sure to use kosher salt, there...
I am from the South Carolina lowcountry, and I have spent years experimenting and trying to re-create the fabulous creamy crab soup native to Charleston....
A simple recipe that is sure to impress. This recipe is written for individual fillets but it can easily be done with a whole salmon fillet. Simply cook...
This recipe is fantastic! So much flavor and so fresh. Such a beautiful presentation! I got this recipe from Simply Recipes and it a family favorite. I...
My family loves scallops and I like using sea scallops because they are generally more available and less expensive than the smaller bay scallops. A simple...