Spicy, sharp turnip greens, braised gently with a smoked ham hock, are a time-honored accompaniment on southern tables at any time of the year. This version,...
For best flavor and moist, juicy meat, brine the turkey for 36 to 48 hours. If you are planning to brine it in a cooler, plan on needing extra ice. Kosher...
The technique: Streusel-a crumbly mixture of flour, butter, sugar, and spices-often shows up on coffee cakes. The sweet, crunchy stuff also makes a great...
Here we've taken pecan pie above and beyond its usual corn-syrupy incarnation. A layer of bittersweet chocolate adds richness to the dessert while simultaneously...
This easy cranberry sauce recipe gives you the perfect accompaniment to your Thanksgiving roast turkey. Cooking the cranberries with sugar, water, orange...
Use this classic Mexican mole sauce to marinate the Mole-Roasted Turkey with Masa Stuffing and Chile Gravy . You'll be left with plenty of extra, which...
This broccoli-cauliflower casserole is the perfect Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner side dish. You could also enjoy it any time of the year as part of...
Everyone needs a perfect pie crust recipe in their arsenal, whether it's for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or just because. This easy recipe should be your...
Apple bread is a scrumptious dish that requires a little bit of work. But witha a few ingredients and the help of a bread machine, you can easily bake...