Perfect spaghetti works great with a perfect sauce. This easy, delicious and full of nutrition sauce, is a good example of a fast and tasty dish. I created...
I saw Michael Chiarello prepare this on his show and I had to have the recipe. My cherry tomato plants are PLUM FULL and I will need all the cherry tomato...
First try of spag. bol. in my slow cooker and it worked out great. Easily adaptable recipe, like lots of tomatoes, add extra! I didn't use oil to brown...
From my mother who is from a little town in Italy near Rome. Must use fresh herbs! Do not saute garlic in oil- it will not taste the same. Garlic, parsley...
There was great little Italian restaurant in my neighborhood. They used to send out a newsletter with recipes, and this is one of my favorite dishes from...
Fiddleheads, yum! A Canadian and Northern U.S. treat, if you can get your hands on some, you should give them a try. It's the simplicity of this dish of...
Cauliflower (in particular) is so delicious when cooked this way. Add the other ingredients and got yourself a winner. Recipe from Tyler's Ultimate, by...
A twist on a classic, this vegan recipe uses tahini to increase the protein and add a nice mellowing nutty flavor to spaghetti sauce. It's really easy...
After seeing this recipe on an episode of 30 Minute Meals, I decided to tweak it a little to suit what I had on hand and what I knew would work in my house....
This recipe is adapted from one in Vincent and Mary Price's "A Treasury of Great Recipes." Mr. Price's recipe is based on one from the restaurant Tre Scalini,...
Fast and easy- my kind of weeknight recipe. You can easily add meat to this- just cook it up in the Dutch oven before adding the pasta and liquids. I find...
Mmmm, comfort food! I love this topped with chopped onions. Kinda reminds me of Steak N Shakes chili spaghetti, but so much better! Oh, and it's vegetarian...
Taken from Brown's _Good Eats_ episode "American Classics: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce." He insists on freshly ground meat from whole cuts, so you know exactly...
Pepperoni or salami works well for this also, just layer the pepperoni or salami *over* the pasta sauce instead of under it, or use ground beef in place...
This is a lasagna alternative I found in an old issue of "Canadian Living". It was from an article spotlighting personal chefs and make-ahead dishes. Bake...
I love spaghetti casseroles and this one has more flavor with the chili powder in the sauce. The evaporated milk poured over the top melts into the cheese...
This is a very common recipe that we make in Greece, during the Easter lent. The sauce has a very strong taste so there is no need for cheese on the top....
Adapted from a recipe by ANGCHICK at An excellent side dish for any Asian meal, try adding ¾ lb cooked meat (chicken, pork, beef, shrimp),...
I also like to add minced garlic to saute with the onion to taste and a handful of grated Parmesan cheese at end of cooking time. This is good! Recipe...
This is a stand-up, zesty sauce, with a wee bite! I crafted it for an annual spaghetti dinner. It is a sauce designed by a man, and prepared using those...
I found this recipe in the Neeley family cookbook, I thought it sounded strange but it was my sister's night to choose dinner and she asked me to make...
Bucatini is a thick spaghetti-like pasta with a hole running through the center. The name comes from Italian: buco, meaning "hole", while bucato means...
I saw this recipe on Everyday Italian and simply had to try it right away! I am so glad I did too, because it was fabulous! It is a no cook sauce and all...
This is the spaghetti sauce I grew up eating. While we are not considered Cajun, my father's family does have a Cajun backgroud. The measurements in this...
This is a recipe I cut from the TV Guide almost 20 years ago! Anyone remember Pasquale's cooking show? I believe the actual name of this recipe was "piccola...
Tasty casserole, different way to fix the same old spaghetti. Serve with garlic bread and salad and dinner is served. Cook time does not include chilling...
You might want to double up on the sauce ingredients and increase the pasta amount slightly. This sauce is better if prepared a day or even two days in...