This recipe uses dried porcini mushrooms that have been rehydrated in warm water. If you can find fresh porcinis, also known as cepes and the great bolete,...
This appetizer is a cool pizza made with refrigerated crescent roll dough and topped with finely chopped vegetables. Zucchini, mushrooms, green peppers,...
These pizza squares are a must-make appetizer for every event in my house. I received the recipe from a friend years ago and everyone loves it. Great for...
I first tried these at our local Wegamans and fell in love. After my lunch I went straight into the grocery department and picked up all the ingredients...
This appetizer is a cool pizza made with refrigerated crescent roll dough and topped with finely chopped vegetables. Zucchini, mushrooms, green peppers,...
Saturday night is pizza night in our house. Primarily vegetarian, am always looking for creative topping combos. Roasting brings out the sweetness in most...
The sweetness of these carrots perfectly balances out the tartness of the goat cheese. This melty, cheesy pizza is topped with a lemon arugula salad to...
This unusual yet tasty sweet and savory pizza is made with a curried red lentil sauce instead of tomato sauce, and then topped with a delicious mix of...
This homemade pizza substitutes goat cheese for mozzarella. You can use the sauce recipe, or use store-bought sauce to make it easier. You can always add...
This unusual yet tasty sweet and savory pizza is made with a curried red lentil sauce instead of tomato sauce, and then topped with a delicious mix of...
Falafel is one of the most popular foods in Egypt. It's made out of peeled beans and always served fried. It's also made in the Levant area (mainly Syria...
Make your own pizza from scratch with our Pronto Pizza recipe, topped with Cento Pizza Sauce and mozzarella cheese. The perfect homemade pizza recipe for...
This is a pizza that I randomly whipped up one night. It uses ajvar, a spicy Macedonian red pepper and eggplant spread that can be found in some grocery...
The sweetness of these carrots perfectly balances out the tartness of the goat cheese. This melty, cheesy pizza is topped with a lemon arugula salad to...
We started cutting carbs and now do cauliflower rice and zoodles - but wanted something else so I tried this Cauliflower Pizza! After a few tries I think...
Home cooks will find deep-dish pizza, with its unique buttery cornmeal crust, more forgiving than its New York counterpart. No need to worry about having...
Using gravy as a sauce, this pizza is a one-stop shop for using all T-day leftovers. There are any number of topping combinations you can make depending...
What's better than pizza? A patriotic flag pizza, of course! Baked in the shape of a flag with pepperoni slices for stripes and purple potatoes for the...
A foolproof and delicious gluten-free and Paleo pizza crust made in minutes. It has just 6 basic ingredients, and there's no need for gluten-free flour...
At Taco Bell, Mexican pizzas are delicious, good sized pizzas with a Mexican twist. You can now make your own version right at home. Get a skillet pan...
I've tried many pizza dough recipes over the years but come back to this one every time...I got it from a "Purity" cookbook back in 1977 as a newlywed,...