Very easy and delicious, this is my take on the specialty pizza at round table. I make this as listed, but you can omit the olive oil and garlic base and...
This recipe for dried fruit baked with wine is a family favorite that I got from my MIL. We always have this at Thanksgiving and Christmas; it goes great...
This is a great addition to any summer get-together! I got this recipe after watching Martha Stewart. It was a recipe from one of her guests, Clay Aiken...
Fresh sea scallops are quickly marinated in a simple mixture of fresh pineapple chunks and sweet Teriyaki sauce. Skewered and then grilled to perfection,...
I have no idea of the origin of this recipe. I know that my sister and I are the fourth generation (at least) to make this recipe. I warn you: it is an...
Pineapples were on sale this weekend, and while looking for a recipe to use it, I ran across this one posted on the Closet Cooking blog. It's slightly...
I have a recipe for Hawaiian Stuffed Chicken Breasts that my family just goes crazy for. It is stuffed with hawaiian stuffing. It is so good I decided...
This recipe is from a preserving book that I have used for thirty years. It is quite sweet, yet flavorful. Very good on a bagel with cream cheese, or as...
With all my zucchinis in the garden after make my habanaro jam I did some research and came up with this one.Try this on a grilled tuna steak, grilled...
With only 3 ingredients this is just about the simplest and most refreshing appetizer you can serve. One tbsp of nutmeg sounds like a lot but don't be...
It's hard to believe that cranberries, apples, green grapes, pineapple, mashmallows and Cool Whip can make such a delightful tasting salad. It's abit different...
This is a different, outstanding appetizer. They always disappear fast when served. Original recipe is from the Sharp Carousel Recipe Book which came with...