These mushrooms are delicious on their own, or put them on toasted sourdough bread with Dijon mustard for a great veggie sandwich. Use a mixture of chopped...
This appetizer is by far the most popular of all my friends and family. These mushrooms will disappear in seconds! Pepperoni and mushrooms together - -...
Meaty portabellos are topped with blue cheese. Great as an appetizer, or build a burger with crusty rolls, red onion slices, lettuce and tomato. I chopped...
This recipe came to be one summer night at a poolside cookout back in southern California. I have been asked for this recipe so many times, I decided to...
This is easy, delicious and a huge hit a parties. Everyone always asks for the recipe! Mushrooms are marinated in a zesty oil and vinegar mixture. Adjust...
I love Gorgonzola cheese, and chorizo is my favorite sausage, so I combined the two to create a spicy, cheesy appetizer. Whenever I make these for events,...
These little goodies are the perfect addition to your next holiday gathering or even the perfect appetizer to serve before a cozy dinner at home. Everyone...
My husband loves stuffed jalapenos and I like stuffed mushrooms, so I came up with this recipe that combines the two. Leave some of the seeds or ribs in...
This is a Southern twist to an old favorite. The batter is made with red wine which adds an unexpected kick. It is a flavorful, crisp shell that highlights...
I created this recipe for a vegetarian friend. It is based on my Italian sausage stuffed mushrooms, but this is more 'veggie' friendly! Enjoy it! If you...
If you love mushrooms, you'll love this easy hot appetizer. Sauteed mushrooms are baked with cheese inside a flaky crust. Poppy seeds may be used in place...
These mushrooms are stuffed with spicy cream cheese, then breaded and topped with shrimp. Hide half of them for you to eat secretly throughout the evening,...
I loved this recipe. I made this for my mom after her surgery and she loved it. I only used 1 box of spinach instead of 2 and I used real bacon and not...
I couldn't find a mushroom recipe that I liked, so I started playing around with my own creation. You can make these with salad shrimp, crab, sausage -...