Tacos al pastor is a quintessential Mexican dish, with tender pork and pineapple marinated in a savory and aromatic chile sauce. Serve with warm corn tortillas,...
This recipe for Mexican rice and beans is a low-effort tasty dish. Can be eaten as a meal in itself, or served as an excellent side to any Mexican-American...
On weekend getaways from San Diego to the beaches in Ensenada and Rosarito (Baja California), I found my favorite meal in the delicious soft skirt steak...
Many find carnitas a little dry or flavorless. These have a great, distinctive flavor and are requested by friends and family over and over. Serve with...
What makes these carnitas different? They are crisped and browned on the stove after low and slow cooking in the crock pot. These are incredibly easy to...
This is a great recipe to make your own fajita seasoning. No bouillon cubes means this is perfect for vegetarians too! Make up a larger batch and store...
Tortillas filled with a chicken, rice, beans and olive mixture - rolled, fried and topped with a piquant avocado mix, sour cream and cheese, all served...
A simple casserole with a little zing! The zing comes from the taco sauce. This is a great dish for when you do not have much time to make dinner, but...
Making homemade fajita seasoning is a lot easier than you might think, and you probably already have the ingredients in your spice cabinet. Simply combine...
Looks like a pie, cuts like a pie, and tastes like a little bit of Southwestern heaven. This casserole is made from pinto and black beans layered with...
This is a recipe I developed after tweaking many other recipes. It has become a real favorite in my household! Easily adjustable to your preference of...
A simple and, in my opinion, authentic version, this recipe comes down at least 3 or 4 generations of my family. You will know it's done when the sauce...
Tangy black bean and salsa verde tacos take only minutes to make and are flavorful and delicious! Great vegetarian dish! Great by itself, but also wonderful...
Very yummy! I grew up making these with my mom and sisters, and everyone I knew loved them! They're easy to make and incredibly tempting! Add chicken or...
This can use leftover chicken or chicken breasts. I usually make it the day after we have roast chicken. The recipe calls for baking, but the ingredients...
This 7 layer bean dip is great for Super Bowl parties, work parties, other gatherings! Pretty easy to make...you can use store bought guacamole if you...
Pork butt roast and taco or burrito seasoning are a combination to die for! This recipe originally came from my Aunt Pennie. I've tweaked it to our liking...
Layers of sauce and tortillas mingle with a seasoned chicken and black bean mixture. This is a delicious and easy recipe best served with a side of Spanish...
Crispy bean and cheese burritos are guaranteed to be family approved, and perfect for an easy weeknight meal. They include seasoned refried beans and fresh...
I always order flautas at restaurants but have yet to see a recipe anywhere that makes them the way I like them - crispy. Instead of baking them, this...
This spicy, marinated broiled chicken dish is the same as that of a well-known restaurant chain's Tequila Lime Chicken. Enjoy! Serve with rice and pico...
This is New Mexico's traditional cookie. A great thick sugar cookie that is dusted with cinnamon-sugar. The traditional shape is fleur-de-lis, but use...
This delicious recipe is prepared by using adobo seasoned grilled boneless chicken thighs, layering tortillas with a combination of the chicken, cheese,...
An easy and expandable burrito base. Add bacon, avocado, pico de gallo, or whatever you wish. Sprinkle each burrito with Cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses,...