Try one of these 6 chicken breast marinade recipes to infuse your chicken with flavor. By using a chicken marinade, your chicken will come out so juicy...
This lemony garlic marinade is the perfect way to make any cut of lamb sing. Marinate at least one hour before cooking, but as long as overnight! If you're...
The Best Flank Steak Marinade makes super juicy and flavorful flank steak every time! Easy to prepare and perfect for grilling, pan-frying, or broiling...
This simple, yet elevated shrimp marinade is garlicky, lemony, and savory all thanks to a few common ingredients! If you're looking to marinade shrimp...
A homemade Cuban mojo marinade (mojo criollo) made with sour oranges, lots of garlic, spices, and olive oil. This marinade will give chicken, meat, shrimp,...
Layer this amazing marinade onto your shrimp for a perfectly rich, savory flavor with a pop of lemon your taste buds will LOVE! The drool-worthy flavor...
This Pork Tenderloin Marinade produces the most juicy and flavorful pork. It takes mere minutes to prepare your marinade before putting it in the fridge...
This easy Chipotle Chicken Marinade combines some of my favorite Mexican flavors, chipotles in adobo sauce and fresh lime! Add some staple spices and you...
This delightful Lemon Rosemary Chicken Marinade boosts the flavor of plain chicken to amazing with its tangy citrus herb taste! Like all of my wonderful...
This versatile marinade works on everything from eggplant to chicken breasts. Vary ingredients with the seasons, changing up the herbs as you see fit....
This super easy Honey Mustard Chicken Marinade adds so much more than just a deliciously tangy flavor to plain chicken! It only takes a few minutes and...
Yes, you'll need a lot of spices, but it's not much work from there. Let the chicken marinate for 12 hours to get the most impact. This recipe is from...
Starting the wings in a cold oven allows the fat to render slowly so they get even crispier. Pour off the infused fat and save for stir-fries or cooking...
This Salmon Marinade made with soy, ginger, honey, and garlic is the best salmon marinade! If you're looking for a salmon marinade recipe, you've come...
Our grilled lamb chops marinate in an herbed-wine mixture. With its natural "handle," the cut called a rib chop makes it easy to savor the shish-kebab-like...
Liven up grilled or roasted chicken with this easy Chili Lime Marinade. It captures the spicy and sweet-tart flavors of chili powder, fresh garlic, and...
A great barbecue sauce does not have to be difficult to make. This recipe only takes 5 minutes to make and the result is a fantastic barbecue sauce/marinade....
Leave the yoghurt out completely and add the lemon at the end to keep the mushy texture away. Don't be put off by the long list of ingredients. You can...
Chipotle Adobo Sauce, dried chipotle peppers cooked with aromatics, vinegar, and spices to make a thick, lush, smokey sauce which is used many ways in...
This easy steak marinade helps tenderize your steak while adding plenty of flavor from soy sauce, Worcestershire, and lemon. It's the best all-around...
This flavorful Mango Chicken Marinade combines fresh mango, honey, lime, sriracha, and a touch of garlic for a wonderfully tasty baked or grilled chicken...
Mojo marinade (or mojo criollo) is a combination of citrus juice, garlic and oil. In Cuban cuisine it's used to inject wonderful flavor to meat, usually...
It takes only a few extra steps to make a venison marinade that will enhance your hard-earned venison for the table. For any cut of meat made for the oven,...
Hawaij is a spice blend from Yemen. A simple, colourful blend of flavours that impart a fragrant note to many dishes; from soups to stews, grilled meats...