For a truly vegetarian soup, substitute vegetable bouillon for the chicken soup base. This recipe almost overflowed my 4-quart crockpot, you might want...
This soup coaxes big flavors from a short ingredient list. Patiently browning the onions and garlic is essential to adding flavor and depth to the finished...
Have you tried Puy lentils yet? These are small, green lentils from France and have a slight peppery flavor and a firm, yet tender, texture. They hold...
This is my mum's way for fakes. Its a very common soup, perfect for the cold days, tasty and very healthy! It can be made without any tomato but then oregano...
Turn a leftover roast chicken or store-bought rotisserie chicken into a hearty dinner soup in just about half an hour, then add a nice dose of brightness...
Indian-style seasoning, lentils and a healthy array of veggies combined with a sweet tomato and coconut milk broth. Thanks to my friends at the potluck...
I was looking for a hearty soup for a cold, rainy weekend. When I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, I made this soup using ingredients that appealed...
Lentil Tomato Soup is delicious and filling and very easy to make. Green vegetables make this soup a powerhouse of nutrition. Be sure not to overcook the...
A tasty and filling soup. You could make many alterations to the recipe depending on your taste - add a potato for soup a little thicker, substitute barley...
This is a variation of one of my favorite salads and is SO incredibly healthy that I get to feel superior when I eat it. ;o) You can use a variety of sprouts;...
Stirring a simple vinaigrette into warm just-cooked lentils helps them drink up flavor so they taste anything but plain. Use French green or black beluga...
I actually found this recipe on another blog. I decided to post it here for safekeeping and so I could keep notes. It really is delicious! I made some...
This recipe was printed in our local paper. I was looking for recipes to use the soup bones I got when purchasing a side of beef from our local farmer....
I have had this recipe for some time now. I love this dal - it tastes soooo good. If you want to cut down on the calories, you can omit the cream - it...
This is an Indian dish high in Iron. I found this on line and tweeked a bit. Both tomatoes and spinach are good sources of iron. They complement each other....
Adapted from Laurel's Kitchen. Serve this with basmati rice and steamed vegetables and you have yourself a filling, nutritious meal. Unfortunately, for...
This soup is considered to be a tradition for breaking the Ramadan fast in Egypt and is a traditional "Middle Eastern peace recipe". I got this from a...
A humble peasant dish, this will be best made with real French _lentilles du Puy_. Adapted from Dorie Greenspan's _Around My French Table_ as published...
This is great for a picnic or barbecue. Use the indigo lentils that they sell in bulk containers at Wild Oats, Whole Foods type markets if you can find...
I love lentils, and this simple recipe makes these nutritious legumes into a quick and tasty meal. Serve on a bed of lettuce, topped with feta cheese and...
This is from Annemarie Colbin who wrote the Natural Gourmet. She says this is a staple in the French vegetarian cooking class that she teaches and never...