Looking for a low-carb dinner to satisfies your Italian food craving? Look no further! This lasagna is perfect in the summer with your garden-fresh veggies...
This recipe for a white-sauce based lasagna is a great way to use up leftover turkey. For a little added spice dry a half teaspoon of dried mustard in...
Taste this delicious cheesy Parmesan Veggie Lasagna in Cream Sauce and create your new favorite dish! You'll love the flavors of creamy ricotta and four-cheese...
Prepare this tasty Eggplant Lasagna for a simple vegetarian dish tonight. Garlic, cheese, pasta sauce and vegetables come together for out-of-this-world...
You might feel like making lasagna in a pressure cooker is crazy. Don't you need an oven for those crunchy edges? To make sure the meat is cooked through?...
As lasagnas go, this takes just about as much time as any. It is a modified version of my grandmother's recipe, so that it includes more vegetables, including...
authentic italian Lasagna Bolognese is a classic baked dish typical of Italian cuisine, in particular from Emilia Romagna and specifically from Bologna...
Until now if you wanted lasagna, you had to make a lot, but thanks to this easy technique, that's all changed. This recipe makes 4 single-serve lasagnas,...
A tasty 4-cheese lasagna made with meatless meatballs. You cannot tell the difference from real meat! You serve a great portion of protein. Don't tell...
This easy Vegetable Lasagna is made with chicken broth, so it's not exactly vegetarian fare. It is, however, a great choice for an otherwise meat-free...
I learned how to make lasagna this way when I worked in France. What makes it French-style is the use of a bechamel (white sauce) instead of ricotta, and...
We are always looking for recipes to add to our Meatless Monday rotation. Bumping up the protein is important for our 3 kids, so adding tofu to the cheese...
Check out this flavorful Butternut Squash and Spinach Lasagna recipe. Layers of veggies and noodles make Butternut Squash and Spinach Lasagna a success...
This recipe uses matzah sheets instead of lasagna noodles. Delicious, and it's easy to take the leftovers for lunch the next day (unlike dry matzah for...
Eggplant Lasagna is a delicious baked Italian pasta recipe made with eggplant, ricotta and tomato sauce. This version is inspired by the famous Sicilian...
Bring together two great dishes and two great cultures with our Taquito Lasagna Bake. A fusion of Italian and Mexican culinary styles with DELIMEX Chicken...
This rich and creamy mouth-watering lasagna is extra cheesy and has layers of roasted asparagus and mushrooms smothered in a blend of 3 cheeses. Ideal...
I love my Philly cheesesteak sandwiches with marinara, so I thought I'd try making lasagna! It turned out fantastic! Note that you do not have to boil...
Use cheddar cheese and a white sauce instead of mozzarella and a tomato sauce in this creamy, Meatless Lasagna with Cottage Cheese recipe. Mushrooms, carrots...
Spinach, crab, mushrooms, and lasagna are my hubby's favorite foods. Combine in the slow cooker and wow. I about shocked myself at how good this turned...
A no pasta lasagna recipe that is extremely easy to fix! Baking mix is used in place of pasta for a very rich in flavor meal. Just throw in a salad and...
This is a 'dairy' main meal for Passover that re-heats well. Even the pickiest eaters love this recipe. Vegetables like mushrooms, zucchini, and peppers...