Fire up the grill and get that classic fajita sizzle going with this Grilled Steak Fajita Tacos recipe. Skirt steak is the perfect choice for fajita tacos...
This braised chicken dish gets a bright finish with orange zest, which is one of my favorite flavor combination with green olives. The smoked paprika adds...
Typical tempeh preparation calls for the soybean cake to be marinated and steamed before cooking. Here, pouring a hot marinade over the slices does both...
This vegan pesto with basil is perfect for busy days. It's super easy to make, healthy, and in combination with pasta incredibly delicious. All you need...
A gourmet pizza consisting of a tomato-garlic sauce, creamy Président® Light Brie, savory prosciutto and black olives. A sophisticated version of classic...
Bring a bit of West African street food to your kitchen with these beef and chicken kebabs. Just alternate pieces of sliced and seasoned protein with chunks...
These creamy, buttery, tender Peruvian beans are super simple, healthy and easy to make. Spiced with ground chipotle pepper powder, these pressure cooker...
Blackened Shrimp Tacos with a crunchy coleslaw are the BEST entree to make at your football tailgate! Shrimp are liberally sprinkled with homemade blackening...
Will you miss the meat in this tasty Roasted Tomato and Mushroom Pasta recipe? Not a chance! Perfect for a meatless dinner option. 264 calories and 6 Weight...
Tourtière is a dish that I really only have once or twice a year, but it's one of my favorite meals. It's French Canadian in origin, but tourtières are...
This easy Indian Chicken Curry is so delicious with its secret ingredient. It isn't too spicy, so kids can enjoy it, but it can also be made spicier if...
Tacos for breakfast? Absolutely! The Old El Paso® Stand 'n Stuff soft taco shells make the perfect vessel to hold your breakfast favorites. By Betty Crocker...
Dina Deleasa-Gonsar of the blog Dish It Girl often uses this recipe for Sunday dinner with her family. She likes to make sure her daughter gets a daily...
Panda Express String Bean Chicken Breast is one of the lighter fare options of Panda entrees. Tender pieces of marinated chicken are wok fried then tossed...
Can you imagine preparing dinner in only five minutes? Well, now you can. This insanely easy chicken pot pie recipe is ready to be served faster than you...
Who says raw veggies need to be be boring?! This easy chopped broccoli salad with tahini dressing definitely proves otherwise. So much flavor in every...
This recipe of chicken stew with black olives is a Romanian recipe that originally is made with rabbit meat. It might remind you of the Italian chicken...
Les tomates farcies au four sont des grosses tomates vidées puis remplies de chair à saucisse et de persil. Et enfin cuites au four. Vous pouvez les...
This deliciously simple Red Kidney Bean Salad is perfect for a quick lunch, side dish for dinner, picnic in the park, or backyard BBQ. Easily doubled or...
Whether it's game day or Thanksgiving, this hot turkey sandwich can be served for any occasion. It's seasoned with garlic powder, paprika and thyme and...
Crab cakes are a versatile recipe - you can serve them hot or cold; they are suited for an elegant brunch, a delicious appetizer (when made a little smaller)...
Barely adapted from A Modern Way to Cook, by Anna Jones (2015). She describes this dish as a "complete revelation", as it comes together quickly and only...
If you are looking for an easy dinner recipe that your entire family will love, you will definitely want to make this delicious homemade lasagna with pepperoni....