Best baked cod recipe out there! Prepared Mediterranean style with a few spices and a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and lots of garlic. Bakes in 15...
What's not to love when you combine tortellini, chicken, and broccoli in a flavorful sauce made with chicken broth, milk, cream cheese, and Parmesan cheese?...
A creamy, comforting dinner that goes from stovetop to table in under an hour? Don't mind if we do! Four of our favorite dinnertime ingredients come together...
Who doesn't love backyard grilling season? For a quick and healthy dinner, fire up the grill and look no further than shrimp and scallop kabobs! With a...
Progresso™ chicken broth provides a simple addition to this hearty dish that's baked using chicken, cornbread and white bread. A classic casserole recipe...
This is just the kind of dish we crave during cooler months. When the weather calls for comfort food, it's hard to beat a substantial stew of beef sirloin...
This pork chop skillet dinner is a weeknight meal victory. Ready to serve in under an hour, it couldn't be easier to make! Pork chops, onions, carrots...
Our version of the traditional dish of Mardi Gras is simmered to perfection in your slow cooker. Andouille sausage, chicken, rice and Cajun spices come...
Turn the catch of the day into delicious dinner in only 25 minutes. Hot pecan-crusted fish fillets are cooked easily on stove top and are served with lemon...
Greek Moussaka is an eggplant casserole with layers of roasted eggplant and spiced meat sauce, topped with creamy bechamel sauce. Once baked, be sure to...
Crunchy, cheesy and made extra easy with always-on-hand staples like ground beef, onion and black beans-this weeknight casserole will have everyone asking...
Corned beef, potatoes and carrots are a delicious combo often served up on St. Patrick's Day. However, this recipe is so good we think you should make...
Goulash is a stew or soup filled with meat and vegetables, and this Hungarian Goulash gets its flavor punch from paprika - a spice made from ground sweet...
There's no need to spend all day at the stove with this vegetable beef soup recipe. Made with onions, ground beef, frozen vegetables and tomato sauce,...
With only six simple ingredients, you can serve up ten delicious tacos in just half an hour. If you've ever wondered how to make tacos that are as good...
Our Grilled Salmon with Lemon Dill Sauce will make you legendary in the kitchen (but we know you're likely already there, kitchen wiz). With a creamy,...
Meet weeknight cooking at its best! Combining a few flavorful ingredients (Italian sausage, onions, garlic) with pantry staples (Muir Glen™ crushed tomatoes,...
With a dish like this in your back pocket, you'll truly be unflappable. Whether your in-laws have shown up for an unexpected dinner, you're in the mood...
With a few simple shortcut ingredients, you can have warm and cheesy homemade quesadillas on the dinner table in less than half an hour. If you need to...