My husband and I love this BBQ chicken pizza recipe, especially when we take it up a notch by adding other toppings that we love, including smoky bacon...
A friend raved about Korean recipes for bulgogi-beef cooked in soy sauce and ginger-so I tried it. It's delicious! Dazzle the table with this tasty version...
The subtle spices in this sausage potato casserole give it a distinctive flavor that my family has loved for years. Not only is this hearty casserole a...
Pop these protein-packed salmon fillets in the oven before whipping up a sweet basting sauce. This tangy entree cooks up in minutes making it a perfect...
For a supper to please a crowd, Pam Beerens of Evart, Michigan Layers Lasagna noodles with meat sauce and a tasty cottage cheese mixture to make this speedy...
While this special chicken and wild rice casserole is perfect for a company dinner, it's so good that I often make it for everyday family meals. We think...
Great news: You don't have to travel to Chicago to eat doughy, cheesy deep dish pizza because now, you can make it right in your kitchen. The most time-consuming...
My husband loves the spicy flavors in these Thai chicken noodles and often breaks out the chopsticks for a more immersive experience. - Jennifer Fisher,...
My mom often made this casserole when I was growing up, and it was one of my favorite meals. It tastes terrific with a salad and rolls. -Judy Hluchy, Mt....
This perennial favorite has just the right mix of hearty sausage, vibrant spinach, and a perfectly balanced three-cheese blend. With a quick-cooking sauce...
When I haven't planned for dinner, I often play around with ingredients in my pantry instead of running to the store. This recipe was a happy experiment....
This spicy chili recipe is the culmination of several years' worth of experimenting to get just the right flavor. For those who like their chili very hot,...
Every time I serve this dish, I get satisfied reviews-even from my father, who usually doesn't like Mexican food. Plus, it smells delicious while baking....
For years, my mother has made this moist stuffed turkey recipe. Now, I do the same thing. The turkey stuffing nicely compliments the tender, juicy slices...
This pork chop marinade is so simple that I use it on all kinds of meat. For a more robust flavor, let the meat marinate in the refrigerator overnight....
Dinner has never been easier than with this updated classic tuna casserole. Full of pantry staples, the dish comes together quickly. Make the casserole...
My husband, Steve, loves this stuffed pepper recipe. They're so filling and easy to prepare. I serve them with mashed potatoes and coleslaw for a no-fuss...
Here's a perfect one-skillet supper that's colorful, healthy, filling and definitely special! Our taste testers loved the blend of spices, the touch of...
I love this easy pot roast Crock-Pot recipe for a couple of reasons. First, it's delicious. Second, it's easy! I can't describe the feeling of walking...
Where can you get a juicy bacon burger that is so superior to drive-thru fare? Right in you backyard with this delicious cheeseburger recipe. -Jackie Burns,...
My husband Eric and I eat dinner together to spend some quality time together. This cheesy broccoli cheddar soup is proof that soup doesn't need to be...
Come home to warm comfort food! This vegetable beef stew is based on my mom's wonderful recipe, but I adjusted it for the slow cooker. Add a sprinkle of...
This is a big hit in our house. My young son and daughter gobble it up. With its irresistible blend of curry and sweet coconut milk, it'll become a favorite...
You'll love this quick, easy and economical homemade sloppy joe recipe. Brown sugar adds a touch of sweetness, both for traditional sandwiches on buns...
"I enjoy fixing a sit-down meal for my husband and myself every evening, so this entree is often on the menu," writes Anita Keppinger from Philomath, Oregon....
I always have the ingredients for this cheesy bean burrito recipe on hand. Cooking the rice and shredding the cheese the night before save precious minutes...
These well-seasoned porcupine meatballs in a rich tomato sauce are one of my mom's best main dishes. I used to love this meal when I was growing up. I...
This ground beef stroganoff is one of the dishes my family requests most often whenever I ask what they'd like for dinner. It takes only minutes and it...
Just the tempting aroma of these ribs reminds me of many simple but delicious meals mom made. Dad especially loved these tender tasty ribs with their thick,...
The sauce on these honey garlic pork chops is so good, I sometimes double it so there's extra for dipping whatever veggie we have on the side. -Michelle...
Even though we're not Italian, this rich, cheesy pasta dish is a "family tradition" for holidays and special occasions. I was delighted the first time...
Dress up chops with a golden, full-flavored reduction sauce comprised of bold ingredients, such as Dijon mustard, white wine and lots of garlic. -Sharla...
As a busy mom, I love my slow cooker meals! Beef tips remind me of a childhood favorite. I cook this beef tips recipe with mushrooms and red wine, then...
This easy beef stew recipe is my favorite. The rich beef gravy helps the hearty flavor of the potatoes and carrots to come through. It's the perfect homemade...
When we go out for Chinese food, my husband always orders chicken chow mein. I created this recipe using richer-flavored tamari sauce rather than soy....
I first learned the technique for cooking pineapple ham for a themed dinner my husband and I hosted. Since it was widely known as the symbol of hospitality,...
"My day is busy from start to finish," remarks Debra Cook of Pampa, Texas. "So this quick and meaty main dish is one of my menu mainstays. With its lovely...
These meatballs can also be made with ground venison instead of the ground beef - they're delicious either way! The recipe is great for parties or other...
I made up this dish years ago, and it still remains the family's favorite healthy baked chicken recipes. It's a fast weeknight meal, but the fresh mushrooms...
"We've always cooked with venison...and this tender flavorful roast and gravy have been a favorite at our house for years," says Ruth McLaren of Shermans...
This recipe is my children's all-time favorite meal. How much do they like it? Even more than they like pizza...and that's a lot!-Debra Weihert, Waterloo,...
My dad encourage me when I was young to pursue my interest in cooking. As I got older, I experimented more, and there were many successes, including these...
This well-seasoned fish nets me compliments from family and friends whenever I serves it. The fish is moist and flakey, the coating crisp, crunchy and...