This cheesy potato casserole is the perfect way to feed a family of picky eaters. With all of the components of beloved loaded potato skins (like bacon,...
After testing out a ton of fish recipes, I've decided this baked haddock version is the best. The mix of crunchy topping and lemon is just delicious. -Jean...
My daughter has the best sour cream and cream cheese chicken enchiladas recipe I've ever tried. She brought 10 pans of it to my wedding reception and they...
This minestrone soup recipe is special to me because it's one of the few dinners my entire family loves. And I can feel good about serving it because it's...
I love to make this pasta bake whenever I need to bring a dish to pass. Fresh tomatoes add a nice touch that's missing from most other meat, pasta and...
I've enjoyed making this rich homemade chicken dumpling soup recipe for over 40 years. Every time I serve this type of soup, I remember my southern grandma,...
I'm originally from Minnesota, where wild rice grows in abundance and is very popular in recipes. This creamy chicken and wild rice soup has been part...
It's Taco Tuesday! Or maybe it's taco ANYday because let's face it: there's never NOT a good day to eat a taco. But you don't want something basic. You...
We always have a good supply of fresh fish, so I make fish recipes often. This recipe is my favorite because it is moist, tender and flavorful. -Judie...
A simple apricot glaze made with preserves lends a delightful zest to this tender pork. It's so fuss-free and delicious, you'll make it again and again....
My mom always makes her saucy chicken adobo recipe when I come home to visit. I think it's even better the next day as leftovers-she says it's because...
I grew up in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where many people are of English ancestry. Pasties-traditional meat pies often eaten by hand-are popular there....
When layers of cheesy lasagna come together flawlessly, that's amore! Pile on beefy marinara sauce, delicious noodles, and a blend of cheeses, then kick...
We like pasta with Italian tomato sauces, and this recipe is one we make often. It's heavy on the shrimp and light on the pasta, and that's the way we...
My family first tasted this rich, homemade lasagna recipe at a friend's home on Christmas Eve. We were so impressed that it became our own holiday tradition...
Here's what you need: boneless pork shoulder, onion, green onion, garlic, ginger, korean red chili paste, red pepper flakes, soy sauce, rice wine, sesame...
Ready-to-go crabmeat makes these delicate patties easier than other crab cake recipes. You can also form the crab mixture into four thick patties instead...
Gumbo is one dish that makes Louisiana cuisine so famous. We live across the state line in Texas and can't seem to get enough of this traditional gumbo...
A quick garlicky lime marinade works magic on these juicy shrimp. They come off the grill with huge flavors perfect for your next cookout. -Melissa Rodriguez,...
Inspired by my love of lasagna, pasta shells and seafood, I created this recipe that's easy to make but special enough to serve company. I serve it with...
THIS ENTREE makes an ordinary day special. Whenever I cook Cornish hens for my husband and me, it stirs up warm memories of family times around the holiday...
Try this comforting pork stew recipe that's easy to put together, but tastes like you've been working hard in the kitchen all day. It's even better served...
I've lived on a farm in the Yakima Valley all my life. I have a big garden, and by the end of fall, my cellar shelves are full of canned fruits and vegetables....
Everyone is surprised at how this flavorful cabbage and smoked sausage recipe calls for just a few ingredients. I usually complete my family's favorite...
I make chana masala, the classic Indian chickpea curry, in my slow cooker. Browning the onion, ginger and garlic first really makes the sauce amazing....
Editor's note: The recipe and introductory text below are from The Barbecue! Bible 10th Anniversary Edition, by Steven Raichlen. To read more about Raichlen...
I layer cabbage with tomato sauce and ground beef lasagna-style to create a hearty casserole that tastes like cabbage rolls but without all the work. -Doreen...
Meatloaf is a delicious addition to your weeknight dinner repertoire. Full of savory flavor and topped with a sweet, sticky ketchup glaze, it's the perfect...
If you've wanted to learn how to make crispy fried chicken, this is the recipe for you. Always a picnic favorite, this deep fried chicken recipe is delicious...
This tortellini with tomato cream sauce is mouthwatering. Put spinach, tomatoes and other pantry staples to use in this warm and satisfying dish. -Barbra...
This ultimate meatloaf recipe took rounds and rounds of testing to get just right. Our final version incorporates an ideal blend of seasoned ground beef...
Want to welcome dinner guests with a healthy meal? This saucy chicken will wow them with its moist and tender texture and golden brown coating. -Lucia...
This delicious recipe will give you the most tender pork you have ever tasted! You can cut it with a fork, and it's just as moist and tender the next day-if...
Bright broccoli, zucchini and sweet red pepper lend fresh taste to this rich chicken and pasta entree. Cream cheese makes the smooth sauce a snap to stir...
I like to serve this homey dish to company and not just because it's easy and economical. I'd be lost without my slow cooker!-Shelley McKinney, New Castle,...