This dish is inspired by a classic oil and garlic pasta. I've added chicory, a bitter green that is much loved in southern Italy but underused here. It's...
Here's a surprising and flavorful way to prepare tenderloin, one of the leanest and most economical cuts of pork. Brown the whole tenderloin. Let it rest...
Fish will not absorb much of the oil in which it is fried if the oil is properly heated. These crisp fillets are a great way to work flaxseeds, toasted...
This recipe amplifies the green in the garlic by stirring it into an herb-filled salsa verde. You can also use regular garlic, though you might want to...
All you need is a little lime juice, cilantro and chili pepper for this crabmeat tostada topping. Corn makes a nice addition too, but at this time of year...
Here, the moderately rich snapper, lightly crisped, tasting of butter or olive oil works beautifully with the tart-sweet rhubarb sauce. The rhubarb cooks...
Alain Sailhac, dean emeritus of the French Culinary Institute in New York and one of New York's most venerable French chefs, gives inspiration here to...
I find any combination of noodles and hot-and-sour dressing fairly addictive, and none more than these earthy buckwheat noodles. You can make a meal of...
Soba, the slender buckwheat noodles from Japan, are pale brown in color, earthy in flavor and springy in the bite. Pair them with a silky, pink piece of...
Fish is a breakfast staple all over the world, from the grilled fish and rice of Japan, to kippers and eggs in England, to bagels-and-lox brunches. But...
This take on the humble chicken breast yields a dish that is at once crisp and moist, tangy and sweet. You can use bone-in chicken breasts, but you'll...
In 2005, Julia Moskin wrote an excellent article about woks, the best sort for American kitchens (a 14-inch heavy-gauge carbon-steel wok with a flat bottom)...
Fish can be finicky dinner-party fare, especially for the distracted cook. Step away for a moment to sip your cocktail and your fillets might go from pearly...
I have long enjoyed stir-fried tofu creations like ma-po tofu, a classic dish from Sichuan. But I found making them difficult. This version is easy and...