This creamy strawberry cheesecake is perfect for any special occasion! You have to bake the cake and let it cool for an hour, then chill it in the refrigerator...
This buttercream recipe is perfect for making beautiful decorations for cakes, cupcakes, and even cookies. It works especially well for piping flowers....
This is my own version of the chocolate microwave mug cake. This chocolaty fudgy treat is truly decadent and great for nights when I need a yummy dessert...
This pie is absolutely delicious! If you're a beginner, use a store-bought pie crust to get a head start. You'll still get a bushel of compliments. -Virginia...
My best friend's mom made these when we were kids. They are the best cookies I have ever eaten, and I have yet to screw up a batch! Warning: you may be...
When I take this different kind of angel food cake to church bake sales, it goes before I can get it on the table! I've always enjoyed cooking, especially...
This recipe is adapted by Valerie Hatfield-Ringrose from the best of several recipes, plus her own additions. It has been made and perfected many times...
Juicy, sweet peaches and blueberries with an oat-and-cinnamon topping makes a simply delicious dessert! Top this home-style dessert with vanilla or cinnamon...
Everyone loves a peach and blueberry cobbler. This one is the perfect, scrumptious treat! If you're taking it to a party, you might want to make another...
A light tasting whipped frosting suitable for filling a rolled cake or whoopee pies. Great on angel food cake. Never fails as long as you don't let it...
This recipe was inspired by one from Renee Erickson's in cookbook, 'A Boat, a Whale, and a Walrus.' It's a lot crispier than a regular cobbler, and you...
"Our family first made this dessert after an outing to a cherry orchard," explains Mrs. Grossman of Brooklyn, New York. "We used the fresh fruit we picked...
This moist cake with cream cheese frosting is the best I've ever eaten. It's so simple, too, because it uses two jars of baby food instead of fresh carrots...
You need only five ingredients to create this refreshing, easy Key lime pie. It's special enough for weekend potlucks, but easy enough to make for a weeknight...
I love to cook. My family can't possibly eat all the sweets I whip up, so my co-workers are more than happy to sample them-particularly these rich, chewy...
I came across this recipe in a magazine, and with a few adjustments I was able to make it into a delicious crisp. It goes great with vanilla ice cream...
These brownies have been a favorite in my family since I was a small child. Because they're so popular, I usually double the recipe. Great with chocolate...
This coffee cake is wonderful, the cake itself it moist and delicious while the topping is slightly crunchy and sweeter. Together, they make a delightful...
A truly incredible dessert! It's just soooo good and really easy to make. Everyone always raves about it and asks me for the recipe when I make it. Wonderful...
A hearty serving of this sweet and tart peach crisp is a mouthwatering way to end one of Mom's meals. With the comforting crust, fruit filling and crunchy...
Everyone's a chocolate lover when it comes to this chocolate cheesecake. It melts in your mouth, and it's very smooth and fudgy. For a fun taste twist,...
Skip the store-bought cookie dough and learn how to make cookies from scratch-it's easy! Thanks to this basic cookie dough recipe, you can turn everyday...
This is my own recipe for a pie that I make often. It's been a family-favorite dessert for decades. I even made several of these pies to serve a threshing...
An altered version of a recipe from an old cookbook that took 10 years for me to perfect! I have been told to sell these cookies, they are very, very,...
Chocolate graham crackers layered between creamy vanilla custard, topped with chocolate glaze. Very rich and habit forming. Everyone I have made this for...
With a little experimenting, I came up with these chewy, spicy, oatmeal raisin cookies. They make your kitchen smell wonderful while they are baking. They...
Pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting are the ultimate fall treat. But my family likes them so much, they ask me to make them all year long! -Brenda...
Rum flavor comes through nicely in these traditional, no-bake rum balls. I like to make a few dozen at a time and give them to my neighbors for Christmas-Audrey...