Whip up a pan of these festive bars in just 20 minutes with staple ingredients and cherry pie filling. Between the easy preparation and the pretty colors,...
This angel food cake has a completely different texture than the ones made from a mix. My family enjoys it all year long, either plain or topped with berries...
This is my own fruitcake recipe and it's a family favorite. The mixture of fruits and nuts helps make it a tasty treat. -Allene Spence, Delbarton, West...
Out of all the easy chocolate desserts I make, these nutty, chocolaty layered treats have become my family's favorite. I make sure to whip up my mom her...
Tasty no-bake cookies made with oatmeal, peanut butter and cocoa. Start timing when mixture reaches a full rolling boil; this is the trick to successful...
We live in Coca-Cola country, where everyone loves a chocolaty, moist sheet cake made with the iconic soft drink. Our rich version does the tradition proud....
This is a delicious Millionaire's shortbread recipe! It makes a great dessert or snack that will have your family begging for more. The only problem you...
A neighbor brought over a pan of these rich fudge brownies along with the recipe when I came home from the hospital with our baby daughter. I asked her...
Light and fluffy icing. Perfect for an angel food cake. You would swear it was a boiled frosting, all the taste, very little effort! I like to change it...
The aroma of this pie baking in my farm kitchen oven reminds me of my dear grandma who made this pretty pie for special occasions. -Beverly Medalen, Willow...
These chocolate peanut butter no-bake cookies bring back fond memories of my mom. They were her favorite, and she always made a batch when she knew company...
A friend of mine gave me this recipe years ago. Sometimes I lower the fat content by using fat-free sour cream or yogurt instead of the sour cream. Enjoy!...
This Recipe is a State Fair Blue Ribbon winner. This is an easy sugar cookie recipe, you don't have to roll it out, and the cookies are soft and chewy,...
This sugar cookie dates back to a Swedish woman born in 1877! Her daughter, Esther Davis, shared the recipe with me and she came up with all the exact...
Alabama has some tasty fresh blackberries. Decades ago, my mama was heading out to pick blackberries to make a cobbler, but she ended up going to the hospital...
I found this strawberry rhubarb crisp recipe on a box of Quaker Oats about 20 years ago. It's quick and easier to make than pie. It's versatile, too, because...
Delicious apple slices baked in warm cinnamon goodness. It does not get more comforting than this! My grandma baked this all the time when I was little...
These easy lemon bars are a delightful recipe from my mother's file. I've been serving it for many years. This easy lemon bar recipe has a wonderful tangy...
You will enjoy this delicious and moist cake made with carrot baby food. I'm very proud to share this recipe with everyone because I won an award ribbon...
This recipe is so good that I double it whenever I make it. Since it is peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate it is almost like candy. Real buckeyes...
I was served this cookie at a restaurant in Springfield, MO during a business conference. Went home and made up this recipe which has been a hit at any...
I have to be super careful when cooking for my daughter because of food sensitivities, so I make these no-bake peanut butter oatmeal bars with certified...