Upgrading your holiday cookie game has never been more delicious thanks to this classic sugar cookie and royal icing recipe. Recipe developed by Food Network...
Claire Robinson's cookies only use a few ingredients but the last one, sea salt, is key as it gives them their addictive salty finish. Since the cookies...
Sweet strawberry and tart rhubarb are a pair that always harmonizes beautifully. Serve this cake with a dollop of whipped cream for the perfect spring...
This pudding is really best when made a year in advance and allowed to mellow. It was customary to make it early in Advent - the religious season before...
This delicious Homemade Apple Cake gives you made-from-scratch bragging rights, while you throw it together in three easy steps. Cinnamon, apples and walnuts...
This bread pudding recipe has been passed down three generations. I have included the brown sugar sauce and lemon sauce recipes to serve with this pudding....
This is by far the best carrot cake recipe I've ever had. You can substitute the pecans for walnuts if you prefer. Both are tasty. This recipe is also...
These are the ultimate soft and chewy Ginger Snap cookies! I constantly get requests and compliments on these cookies. I received this recipe from a friend...
Golden memories: Smelling sweetly of butter, sugar and vanilla, these classic little cakes bring you right back to when you were a kid and Mom baked you...
If you're a peanut butter lover then these chewy cookies with a warm, gooey chocolate center will be sure to satisfy. This recipe makes about 4 dozen,...
I have made these cookies for my family for about 30 years now. My son (who is now 36 years old) gets so excited when I make these; he always enjoys them...
I use Recipe #95416 when I'm decorating a cake but we like this version on brownies, cookies or undecorated cakes. I cut the recipe in half for brownies....
This recipe is for a delicately sweet dessert whose elegance should not distract from its ease (it can be made while the rest of dinner is in the oven)....
Meet your new favorite sweet treat; just a little bit will enhance your ice cream, milkshake, buttered toast-or serve as the filling of a cookie sandwich...
This is my DH favorite cake, I have tried many apple cakes over the years and this is a winner!! So moist and dense, with a caramel taste, cannot say enough,...
There's nothing better than the smell of the fresh apple pie baking in the oven. It signifies the start of cozy fall days, and it's the ultimate dessert...
In only 20 minutes you can enjoy these delicious scratch cookies made with tart chopped apples, warm spices and sweet brown sugar. Come fall there are...
I can't recall where I got this recipe I think at Hellmann's website. It's a moist yummy chocolate cake great with peanut butter frosting. My family really...