I found the original recipe for these cookies on allrecipes.com, and modified it to be vegan, as well as by changing the spices slightly. They are truly...
Most people refer to these delicious cookies as Mexican Wedding Cakes. Since my children were young, we have always refered to them as Christmas Snowballs...
Most people think of one dish when they think of Chili's: baby back ribs. Ever since that "I want my baby back..." jingle, ribs have been the star (along...
This is a unique family recipe that is originally from my great, great aunt. I have not tried it, but submitted it in response to a request. I'm sorry...
When Gemma Stafford was growing up in Ireland, her mom always had a cake or crumble on hand just in case someone dropped by for a cup of tea and a chat....
This recipe was given to one of my Uncles 25 years ago from a co-worker. It has been a much requested recipe in our family ever since. One of my favorites....
Extra-vibrant garnet yams lend bright color and silky texture to this special holiday pie. Regular sweet potatoes are also delicious in this recipe and...
The original Old Fashioned Shortcake recipe appeared on the first Bisquick® box in 1931. It's said that an advertising slogan promised - "Here's the Kind...
After sampling one of these little gems at Starbucks, I just had to make some of my own! They are so delicious, can be customized with numerous different...
"This must be one of the best cookies I have ever eaten." Yep, that's what my mother said the first time I ever made this cookie. It is a GREAT cookie...
I came upon this recipe with the help of Duncan Hines, as this was on the side of the box. I changed it up some and it's to die for! If you like lemon,...
I love shortbread and I like sugar cookies but a cookie that is both...that's heaven! This is the kind of icing that "dries" and makes almost like a candy...
Tastes just like those wedding cake frostings we've all eaten - ultra-creamy and sweet!!! This recipe came from a cake decorating class I took many years...
This is the Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Recipe EVER! These gooey cinnamon rolls are even better than Cinnabon cinnamon rolls, and are topped with the...
This is a very tossed-together Black Forest Cake, or, as I like to say, when I am too lazy to bring out the piping bag and tips, it's RUSTIC. It has all...
It's cool, it's creamy, it's moist and it's easy to have on hand because it stores in the fridge. There's no denying the popularity of this orange-flavored...