Lower in colesterol than most recipes but still delicious! Use your own pastry recipe, store bought pie shells, my recipe for Pastry With No Trans Fat...
This is an old school classic, making use of the woefully underutilized art of flambe. Flambeing caramelizes sugars and deepens flavors; with ripe summer...
These cookies have just the perfect texture. If you are in a hurry they are still good just adding in the 1 cup oats in without grinding them. If you are...
This pie is everything we love about apple pies, but even better. The pears add extra depth, juice, and flavor, and it's gorgeous on top of that. What...
This is a super quick, super easy dessert to make. Three ingredients and two minutes of prep time is all it takes. Doesn't get any easier. I've used other...
An old-fashioned steamed pudding may not be your traditional Thanksgiving Day dessert, but it is a tradition on our Thanksgiving table. You will need a...
These balls are so quick and easy to make. They make a nice addition to the baked goodies that you give as gifts. Make these about a week before you want...
I found this recipe in a church cookbook around 15 years ago and have been making it since. I never even thought about trying another pound cake recipe...
It's a fact: The best part of a coffee cake is the crumbly streusel on top. This epic (and doughnut-filled!) version not only has ample topping, but also...
A crumbly slab of Cheddar is a centuries-old accompaniment to a slice of apple pie; it imparts character in a way that a scoop of ice cream can't hope...
"I have never been a bread-pudding fan," writes Marie Hernandez of Chicago. "But after trying the pumpkin bread pudding at Wildfire restaurant in Oak Brook,...
This bar is lemon city! We put lemon zest in the crust, upped the pucker in the filling and put lemon candy on top. It's the bar for the ultimate lemon...
I adopted this delicious cake recipe from the RecipeZaar account in February 2005. The only changes I made were to add some vanilla and cut back the baking...
These vanilla cupcakes taste as delicious as they look (which is often not the case when it comes to vanilla cupcakes!). Mixing flour with cornstarch gives...
Fun Spring Treats! Kids love them. Use a 6 or 12 cup muffin tin depending on desired size of nests. We made only 6 nest with this recipe so we could overlap...
This cake is a chocolate lovers dream! A tender chocolate sheet cake is covered in a warm chocolatey, pecan frosting, making this an easy dessert that...
We took the cozy fall flavor we love from homemade apple pie and baked it into these apple cinnamon oatmeal cookies! Perfectly soft on the inside with...
Lemon lovers, take note: This simple cake comes together quickly and bakes up light, fluffy and moist. Dress it up with a simple three-ingredient glaze...
There are few things better than homemade ice cream: You get both delicious flavor and the satisfaction of a job well done. But cooking, cooling and freezing...
Use a can of leftover cranberry sauce from Thanksgiving to make the jam swirl topping of this simple cake. It's perfect for breakfast or as an afternoon...
This is the first Snickerdoodle recipe I have tried that was adapted from a family cookbook, but I liked them and I hope you will too! Just give them a...
This is the perfect apple cake for fall. It stays moist and flavorful for 5 days at room temperature, up to 10 days refrigerated. Because it is made with...
Flaky pie crusts that are pretty close to perfect. Many first prize ribbons in my drawer are due to this recipe. When I was catering fulltime, we made...
The secret to perfecting every dessert you make this season? This homemade lemon buttercream frosting. Layer cakes, cookies, cupcakes-you name it, chances...
This is a very old recipe I got from a friend and have been baking them for years (and one of my favorite comfort foods!) The bigger the spoons of dough,...
I got this recipe from the wife of a co-worker. It's a very simple cake, buttery & not too sweet -- perfect with seasonal fruit & whipped topping or ice...