Made from only four ingredients, these cookies are chocolatey, fudgy and pleasing for brownie and cookie lovers alike. Add crushed candy canes to dress...
Everyone seems to have a box of instant oatmeal packets hiding in their pantry or kitchen, sadly forgotten. While they make a quick breakfast, a lot of...
Panna cotta, a molded chilled dessert popular throughout Italy, is easy to make and can be prepared in advance. It looks and tastes wonderful with ripe...
Found on line at 12 Tomatoes These are moister than your traditional cookie, The simple frosting adds some creamy texture (and more sweetness) and they...
This was a favorite cake growing up. The middle gets sunken, all good from the topping sinking into it. You may wnat to double the topping so you can pour...
My mom and I have been baking these for as long as I can remember. They are delectable butter-type cookies served as favors at traditional Mexican weddings....
Light and airy, yet rich with chocolate, this classic soufflé is sheer decadence-and with Chef Boulud's instruction, mastering this gravity-defying dessert...
Set aside that cumbersome angel food cake pan and make this lighter-than-air dessert in cupcake form, instead. Topped with vanilla bean whipped cream and...
If you love chocolate cake, you have to try this sinfully delicious recipe for Devil's Food Cake! It's an old-fashioned recipe that's intensely rich, moist...
When it comes to making these super easy brownie cupcakes the trick is all in how you bake them. Start by preparing a box of Betty Crocker™ Fudge Brownie...
This is a great graham cracker crust, not dry or crumbly. It is sweet, almost like caramel. I recommend filling it with Recipe #115634. This will make...
I found this recipe on another recipe site. I've changed a few things to suit our tastes. This cake tastes wonderful, but if you can let it set for a day,...
This is Mom's favorite chocolate cake. Easy to make and has a little different twist. Also has no eggs or dairy products. Pick your favorite frosting for...
These bars should be made by patient bakers with a bit of time - they look best when the apples are lined up in neat columns. This is not to say that it...