Homemade doughnuts are a bit of a project, but they're less work than you might think, and the result is a truly great, hot, crisp doughnut. Once you've...
This recipe is from Every Day Foods. I saw it on TV, and it looked so easy, I had to make it. It's moist and full of tender and chunky apple slices, and...
Who knew it was so simple and quick to make one of the most beloved, nostalgic treats out there? Gummy bears might have been your favorite as a child,...
You can't go wrong with a classic -- and this one hits all the right notes. Warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and mace are nicely offset by the richness...
Hundreds of home cooks have made these strawberry shortcake biscuits a top-rated recipe, and for good reason. Using Original Bisquickâ„¢ mix ensures a...
I love my Aunt TC's Lemon-Lime Soda Cake, so I thought it would be fun to make my own pound cake to share with her. Instant lemon pudding mix is the key...
Making this classic Italian dessert is surprisingly easy. We start the custard with a traditional Marsala-flavored zabaglione -- a cooked mixture of egg...
Use sweet strawberries whilst they're in season to make this fabulous homemade strawberry ice cream. It's perfect on its own or as an accompaniment summer...
This rhubarb crisp recipe is special for two reasons. First, it's a variation on our classic Apple Crisp recipe, a time-tested crisp that's both foolproof...
This delicious cake comes together fast, starting with a cake mix. I think the flavor is very subtle, and the cake is quite moist. The original recipe...
As with hot chocolate, use any milky liquid you prefer, whether it's from a cow, nuts (almond milk), beans (soy milk), or grains (rice milk). For sweeteners,...
I love carrot cake, but I'm not fond of the texture of shredded carrots. I got this recipe from a former boss, Debra. Love it! Note: I haven't tried it,...
These soft, chewy cookies are studded with little morsels of chocolatey heaven. They are also completely gluten-free and grain-free thanks to the almond...
Long before the Romans occupied parts of Germany, special breads were prepared for the winter solstice that were rich in dried or preserved fruit. Historians...
When two brothers opened the first Applebee's in 1980, they gave it the clunky name T.J. Applebee's Rx for Edibles & Elixirs. The name changed six years...
This makes a huge batch, cut the recipe in half if desired. These cookies are best if they sit for a couple of days to soften. They freeze well also. From...
Take chocolate-covered strawberries to a whole new level this Valentine's Day by baking the ingredients into a decadent cake. And don't stop there! Garnish...