This delicious curry can be made with a variety of meat or veg - just use whatever you have to hand. To make it suitable for vegetarians, simply swap out...
Thai Beef Curry is a simple to make and absolutely delicious Thai curry recipe. The beef is simmered in a flavorful coconut curry broth until super tender....
This Thai-style chicken has a creamy green coconut curry sauce with just the right amount of spice, and is made quickly and easily in your Instant Pot®....
Of Iranian origin, ghurmas are thick-sauced, long-simmered stews, spiked with dry herbs and thickened with vegetables. My close friend R. J. Singh, more...
Vegetarian mains don't have to take an hour to prepare. Warm feta, crispy chickpeas, and wilted hearty greens become a fork-and-knife entrée in about...
In summers, I'm always inventing dinner ideas that are healthy yet are quick and easy.... So, I can serve homemade dinner in no time and keep my family's...
This tomato curry is enriched with coconut cream and brightened with fresh basil and lime juice. And generally speaking, we found that curry paste in a...
This punched-up chicken-and-rice dish, made in the Instant Pot, is inspired by mulligatawny soup, with curry spices, creamy coconut milk, bright ginger,...
A little bit Thai, a little bit comforting, and a little bit refreshing, this one-bowl dinner showered in pea shoots and fresh herbs hits all the sweet...