Just like grandma used to make! Thin strips of round steak, onions & mushrooms over a bowl of egg noodles make this the creamy dish the perfect comfort...
Need a cozy one-pot meal? Try New England boiled dinner with corned or fresh beef brisket, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes. Also great in the slow cooker!...
Favorite shepherd's pie recipe, a classic casserole of Britain and Ireland done American-style. Cook ground beef and savory vegetables, top with mashed...
Chicken and dumplings is comfort food at its best! Start with a hearty chicken and vegetable stew, then add easy homemade dumplings that cook up light...
This is a comforting yet elegant pasta that can be served as a main meal or a side dish. Plus, the whole thing is cooked in one pot, so no messy clean-up....
If you have an abundance of summer zucchini, try this zucchini casserole for dinner tonight. It's a cheesy, creamy summer recipe your whole family will...
This lasagna recipe is super simple to make, and so flavorful. It's perfect for potlucks and other large gatherings. You'll never need another lasagna...
This vegetarian lasagna recipe is made with meaty shiitake and crimini mushrooms, spinach, and ricotta and mozzarella cheeses. It feeds a crowd and will...
Everyone needs a perfect pie crust recipe in their arsenal, whether it's for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or just because. This easy recipe should be your...
This easy hamburger and macaroni recipe is tops for weeknights! Some call it goulash or American chop suey, but it's nothing more than ground beef cooked...
Classic southern homestyle chicken pot pie is the ultimate comfort food and is budget-friendly, perfect for leftover chicken. Make the crust and then the...
This beef and noodles recipe is a comforting mix of stewed beef and mushrooms with egg noodles cooked right in the broth for the coziest, most satisfying...
French dip sandwiches are the ultimate comfort food. The crusty bread is piled high with tender beef and golden onions, then served warm with a delicious...
In this easy recipe for homemade chocolate pecan pie, cocoa powder and dark chocolate chips balance out the trademark sweetness of the classic Thanksgiving...
It doesn't get better than a big bowl of Fettuccine Alfredo for dinner. Ree Drummond's Fettuccine Alfredo recipe makes for a perfect family meal-find how...
This puff pastry apple tart is quick, easy, and so yummy. Use frozen puff pastry to cut down on time, and make sure to serve with vanilla or cinnamon ice...
Make a comforting bowl of savory vegetable pot pie, topped with a flaky crust. This version is loaded with tender vegetables and baked with a puff pastry...
This classic Swiss steak is made with a thick slice of top round steak slow cooked in tomato sauce until completely tender. One steak will easily feed...
This super easy cheese ball recipe is a holiday classic! Shape cream cheese, cheddar, and simple seasonings into a ball and roll it in crunchy pecans....
Overnight french toast casserole is a decadent twist on classic french toast. It's super easy and flavorful. You'll need French bread, eggs, half and half,...
Shrimp Etouffee! This classic Louisiana stew is made with shrimp, the Holy Trinity of onion, celery, and green pepper, and a simple roux to thicken it...
This homemade peanut butter cheesecake is extra creamy and loaded with chocolate. A semi-sweet ganache, adorned with chopped peanut butter cups and more...