Once you try making a whole chicken in the slow cooker, you'll never want to roast it the old way again. In the slow cooker you'll get the moistest, most...
Chicken breasts slow cooked with a creamy white wine and mushroom mixture. This quick and easy recipe calls for just five main ingredients, yet is tasty...
Everytime I have made this, it has been extremely popular for both family and company. Given out the recipe many times. My family often requests this recipe...
This buttery garlic-parmesan sauce is so simple and tastes sinfully delicious. A friend baked plain chicken wings for her Super Bowl party but realized...
If you are looking for a creamy, cheesy, flavorful recipe - this is it! Comfort food is always welcomed in every home. I think most of you will love this...
I first tried this buffalo chicken wing dip at my neighbor's picnic. A friend of theirs brought it and we munched on it all night til it was gone! I love...
This staple recipe for stuffed peppers is packed with lean turkey sausage, couscous, and Monterey Jack cheese for a hearty and healthy meal that everyone...
This is a third generation recipe and one that is about as simple as it gets. French-style green beans are topped with Chicken breasts, a creamy soup mixture,...
There's a few recipes on Zaar for this, but this one seems different from the rest, even though some ingredients are the same. This is simple and delicious....
I grew up in northeast Ohio and this was my all time favorite dish when I was little...now I make it, and my family loves it too! I like to use all pork...
This is a light, juicy, flavorful dish. Being a mom of a 7 month old, I've learned to take a lot of shortcuts and still be able to cook quality food. This...
Chicken a la crema is one of my favorite recipes and one of the greatest chicken recipes of all time. It's simple to make, incredibly comforting, and gorgeous...
Chicken breasts adorned with a fresh rosemary rub, then sauteed and braised in a sauce of orange juice, white wine and maple syrup. This wonderfully rich...
quick weeknight dinners work for me! 3/25/08- this was made for freezer tag in the OAMC forum and they asked me to post the following, "To freeze: Prepare...
This is a spicy, hearty sandwich that will please those who love buffalo chicken wings. This recipe is perfect for those days spent watching football....
This recipe is so good and surprisingly easy. The chicken comes out of the oven crispy yet stays moist with an indulgent filling. Chicken can be stuffed...
My wife and I sort of invented this recipe, we think. Chicken should have great flavor and the panko breadcrumbs and olive oil will give it a great crunch!...
This dish is traditionally served with white rice and chutney, and tastes even better the day after its made. Try adding 1/2 cup of shredded coconut before...
Chicken breasts rolled up with a crabmeat and mushroom mixture, topped with a white sauce and baked. I got this recipe from a friend and my family loves...
Easy and delicious pineapple chicken. My family loves this recipe. Great served over rice. Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of your favorite ginger-carrot salad...
Chicken breasts are coated in a pecan breading, and fried in a skillet. Then a rich bourbon sauce is poured over them before serving. This is a fabulous...
This is a real yummy recipe. Serve it over a bed of rice. The leftovers go nicely in a whole wheat pita the next day for a warm delicious lunch. Hope you...
Homey and old-fashioned, this comforting dish can be on the table in a flash, thanks to store-bought rotisserie chicken and biscuits made with self-rising...
Sweet, sticky, charred, and crispy: Barbecued chicken is one of the surest signs of summer. Store-bought sauce has nothing on this easy homemade version,...
How can you easily put an new twist on the classic casserole that combines juicy chicken and tender potatoes? By crumbling a crispy delight known as bacon...