AWESOME! DELICIOUS! This is my favorite dessert! My family has been a blueberry grower for the market for over 40 years. We have perfected many blueberry...
A wonderful little cheesecake for a dessert buffet. It is incredibly easy to make and looks and tastes very impressive. I saw Paula Deen make them on FoodTV...
This is "cheesecake for dummies"! I found this recipe on and it is the easiest way to making a cheesecake other than buying it. People who...
I got this recipe in 1980 when I worked at University of Michigan hospital. The ward secretary on our unit always brought this to our potluck lunches....
This was in my local newspaper, and I tried it for a Super Bowl party. It's really good, VERY rich -- pretty easy too. Makes a lot, so I think it could...
Coeur à la crème (cream heart) is a classic French dessert traditionally served with strawberries. This is adapted from a recipe in "Valentine Dinner...
An awesome-tasting, wonderfully-textured cheesecake that my family loves. It's easy to make and just as delicious as any restaurant cheesecake that I've...
Who can turn down cheesecake with oreo cookies? I get nothing but raves when I make this cheesecake. This is the exact recipe from the Cheesecake Factory,...
" A finalist in the 2001 Nestle Toll House Share the Very Best recipe contest, this dessert was submitted by Audra Burtch of Chandler, Arizona. This family...
This recipe is from Grandma B. I am especially amused when I take it to a pot luck and people think I bought it because I can top it with the neat cover...
I feel sad for anyone who has never been to a Cheesecake Factory restaurant. This cheesecake is out of this world! I think you will find the nut crust...
I came up with this recipe because a brother from church wanted me to try my no bake cheesecake with pineapple. It was a hit and has been requested at...
I've been searching for a low carb cheesecake since I've given up sugar and so, using ideas from different recipes, I came up with this one. I made it...
I thought I got this recipe from Bon Appetit but when I researched it I found that it really is different. Maybe I changed it over time but the result...
An elderly client of my husband used to travel to Toronto at least once a year and he always brought my daughters a bag of chocolate turtles as a present....
A wonderful combination of cherries and chocolate in a rich cheese cake. The glaze on this cheese cake is ganache, one of the easiest and prettiest finishes...
I got this recipe from my Dad, who got it off a recipe card. Not satisfied with the orange flavor of the original recipe, I tweaked a few ingredients to...
I love cheesecake and make many different varieties, but this is my basic go to recipe. There are many variations around but this is the one I like best....
Delicious mini cheesecakes that can be made as an assortment of chocolate, strawberry jam, apricot, peach, pineapple, or any other flavor. Go ahead,.....
This is a modified version of a recipe from "Classic Stars Desserts" by Emily Luchetti. The texture is very much like a ricotta cheesecake and is very...
This is as close as I was able to come to the Cheesecake Factory Key Lime Cheesecake--a little creamier than the other versions posted here, and I think...
This recipe will produce an elegant, creamy cheesecake with subtle levels of sweetness and amaretto. The cheesecake filling has almond paste in it, available...