An easy-to-make classic featuring tasty hamburger 'steaks' smothered in gravy and onions. Traditionally served with hot white rice or potatoes, it's a...
I received this recipe from a co-worker about 5 years ago. This is by far the best chicken fried steak I've ever had. I've made this numerous times for...
I received a food wish for roast beef recently, which can be done with many different cuts. I ended up deciding on beef tri-tip, since it's affordable,...
I threw this together in my crock pot one day and we loved it! A little time consuming because I sauteed the vegetables and browned the meat first, but...
Very tender and flavorful, this recipe is one of our family's favorites. It's great to make ahead of time in the slow cooker and then serve over rice,...
The best beef and egg noodles you'll ever have. Affordable, quick, and yummy! I have to give credit to my grandma. She used to cook this for her 5 kids...
This classic beef stew recipe makes sure you really make the most of each step of the cooking process to end up with a beautiful, rich, and hearty beef...
I was given this recipe when my husband and I were first married. I've been making this wonderful beef stew recipe for 35 years and have never found a...
VERY tender and delicious. Using the pressure cooker saves SO much time that this recipe can be used on a weekday and still you can manage to eat dinner...
This is a delicious flank steak. The stuffing makes it much more filling, but there's never any left over! Can also be cooked in the microwave. Just cover...
This is a very easy recipe for a delicious pot roast. It makes its own gravy. It's designed especially for the working person who does not have time to...
This recipe has been in my family for years. It's easy to cook, but tastes like it took hours to make! I usually make enough extra sauce to pour over mashed...
When I was a kid, we didn't have smartphones or the internet, all we had was a TV. But we didn't care because as we watched, we got to enjoy a little something...
This is the best and easiest recipe for pot roast I have ever tried. It is best to make it a day ahead. Serve with oven roasted vegetables, potatoes, carrots,...
I have never tasted any other steak that came even close to the ones made with this recipe. If you are having steak, don't skimp on flavor to save a few...
My mom's beef stew recipe that she's perfected over 25 years. Tender chunks of beef couple with hearty vegetables in a rich gravy for a soul-warming treat....
An old family favorite salvaged from our 30-plus-year-old cookbook. We like this served over egg noodles. I like to increase the tomatoes to a 15 ½-ounce...
This ultimate meatloaf recipe took rounds and rounds of testing to get just right. Our final version incorporates an ideal blend of seasoned ground beef...
I tried for years to make a cheese steak as good as the takeout sub shops of southeastern Massachusetts. I think this is about as close as you can come...
This is a fairly lean version of beef stroganoff, as most recipes call for more cream. This is something you can easily adjust to your tastes. I like a...
This makes a delicious French dip sandwich, perfect for the working mom! Nobody, not even teetotalers, have been able to detect the presence of beer in...
This variation of beef stew is hearty, easy to make and low in fat. You can substitute venison for the beef. If you want to stretch out the recipe, try...
My aunt gave me this delicious recipe years ago, and it's still my favorite veal dish! This tomato and white wine sauce keeps the meat tender and moist...
This Cuban braised beef dish literally translates to 'old clothes,' because apparently some people thought the fall-apart meat and colorful strips of onions...
This recipe is my personal favorite for pot roast. It tenderizes the toughest meats and produces a wonderful, flavorful gravy. It's best when cooked in...
The mashed sweet potatoes with sage butter are a great side dish for calf's liver. We recommend asking the butcher for the freshest calf's liver available,...
Use any cut of steak when making this easy beef stew. Marinated in oil, oregano, vinegar, and onions, this is a great meal for a busy weeknight. A staple...
This is an easy variation of a favorite. I used to prepare it the traditional way, with sour cream, but I didn't have any one night, so I used cream cheese...
This is my mom's Puerto Rican comfort soup. The mix of vegetables and herbs is an influence of the Spanish Canary Island ancestors of some Puerto Rican...
This stir-fry comes together for quick weeknight meal. I do not suggest dry garlic powder or dry ginger, as you will not get the flavor profile fresh ginger...
This was my favorite growing up. I was amazed when I was older and asked my mom for the recipe how EASY it is! A small amount of prep. time, a day in the...