This super-simple dip is easy to prepare beforehand and pull out when guests arrive. This dip can be spread on baguette rounds and broiled until lightly...
Caramelized onion and crisp bacon adds a whole new flavor to a fall favorite - Brussels sprouts. This recipe makes a perfect side dish for your next holiday...
With just four ingredients that you probably already have, this quick appetizer comes together in a snap. If you like the zip of horseradish, start with...
To make the finished dish less of a knife-and-fork affair, remove the braised chicken from the bone, shred it with a couple of forks, and then stir it...
This blue ribbon winner from the Utah State Fair transforms a classic pasta dish into a muffin. Alfredo sauce and Parmesan cheese are mixed into the batter...
Try something new with this triple-tested brownie recipe. Odd though it may sound, the bacon adds a wonderful depth to these moreish squares. Trust us,...
Turn ordinary refrigerated cinnamon rolls into adorable minis with the sweet-smoky-salty taste of bacon in every bite. More proof that bacon makes everything...