This easy Chicken Tortilla Soup comes together right in your slow cooker. Just sprinkle on some chili powder and cumin, add an onion, bell pepper, tomato...
As far as easy cocktails go, there's nothing quite as cozy and comforting as a hot toddy on a cold winter night. This toddy comes together in mere minutes....
These baked beauties are a cardiologist's dream food--the pectin fiber in apples, the oat bran, and the vitamin E-rich canola oil are loved by docs because...
Since this recipe was given to me many years ago by the proprietor of the Sign of the Angel in Lacock, it has become really popular with readers, as I...
Leek and Potato Soup is a number one classic in our house, but for something different try it with what I call the perennial pumpkin - butternut squash....
This is certainly one of the best ways to cook lamb in the autumn or winter months - slowly braising it under a tent of foil keeps it beautifully moist...
Slow Cooker Smokey Bonfire Chorizo Stew: Let the slow cooker do the work for this warming stew. Replace the new potatoes with chunks of butternut squash...
This recipe makes an excellent change from turkey (if there are not too many of you for Christmas lunch). It is certainly easier and quicker to prepare,...
This easy pumpkin pie recipe is a blend of pumpkin puree, sugar, heavy cream and pumpkin pie spice, baked in a par-baked pie crust and topped with whipped...
I've subtitled this recipe 'Kate and Sidney make a comeback', after the Cockney slang version of this world-famous recipe. It's certainly time for a revival...
Panettone is an Italian fruit bread that's sold here mostly in the autumn and around Christmas time in beautifully designed boxes with carrying ribbons....