These delicious quesadillas are packed with flavor thanks to lightly spiced chicken, mushrooms, spinach, and Monterey Jack cheese. A tangy mix of cilantro,...
Tandoori Murghi. Of all the food cooked in a _tandoor,_the most popular and the best-tasting is chicken. The distinctive flavor, texture, and color of...
Layer maraschino liqueur-soaked sweet cherries with a tangy yogurt cream and chewy meringue cookies for a dessert that tastes both heart-warmingly retro...
Italian and Swedish meatballs, step aside. These Turkish meatballs are so juicy, light, and flavorful-not to mention easy-they'll be rocking your party...
This creamy, tangy sauce with a garlicky, black pepper punch is ubiquitous on platters of grilled meats sold by halal street carts in major cities across...
Is it a salad? Is it a dessert? The truth is, I just don't know. Fruity, savory, crunchy, spicy and sweet: the kind of combination that simply cannot fail...
{flirt with flavor} Season after season, I continue to be captured by the multicolored array of carrots that can be found at the farmers' market in all...
In this colorful dish, sweet beets are zipped up with lime, yogurt, and garlic. If you only have Greek yogurt on hand, thin it down with a little water...
Loving meatballs has never been this rewarding. They're gilded with lots of strong spices and set in a cooling swoosh of yogurt and anointed with the sweet...
Serve all the topping options for this flatbread dinner in separate bowls so each family member can build their dinner plate just like they like it-in...
Vegetarian mains don't have to take an hour to prepare. Warm feta, crispy chickpeas, and wilted hearty greens become a fork-and-knife entrée in about...