Creamy enchiladas with just a bit of zip! Use your food processor to make this in a snap. Serve on plate decorated with a dollop of guacamole and a dollop...
This is the world's hottest curry, because it contains the world's hottest chile, the Bhut Jolokia or 'Ghost Chile', which is three times hotter than a...
This is a quick and easy Mexican dinner in about 45 minutes. Try it with a little salsa, sour cream, and shredded lettuce and dinner is served! Make sure...
When I wanted butter chicken, but my chicken was frozen, I used my favorite butter chicken recipe (Easy Indian Butter chicken on this site) with some slight...
Being very into my Swedish heritage, I took it upon myself to learn how to cook the food, among other things. These are my famous Swedish Meatballs. I...
Kasutera is a Japanese traditional sponge cake. With its angel food-like texture and its delicate flavor of honey, this cake is just perfect. Serve with...
You can make this as spicy and hot or as mild as you like depending on the enchilada sauce you use. We like it mild, so I use the kind in an envelope and...
I made this recipe up when I was 13, and I've been perfecting it ever since. The pie uses plenty of fresh raspberries and blueberries, and is baked with...
Italian crespelle are savory crepes, filled and baked in a bechamel sauce. They are traditionally served as a first course, for Sunday lunch, or any special...
These noodle cakes have a yummy, crispy outside and a soft inside. Mmmmm. If you'd like to spice things up, replace the dark sesame oil with hot chile...
Perhaps the very best pasta dish I make. A rich, delicious, and soul-satisfying Italian recipe that is certain to wow your guests at any dinner party....
I have been reading about this traditional Chinese dish on the Internet and found there are many different versions of it. Some are spicy, incorporating...
Ladoos are an Indian and Pakistani sweet. I added a twist to mine and included family loves these. They can be enjoyed at any holiday, as...
This is my mom's special homemade lasagna recipe with made from scratch tomato sauce and delicious, cheesy filling. I have found none better anywhere....
If you are interested in a little bit of heat, but not too much, this is a great recipe for you. I used a mortar and pestle to form the spice paste, but...
Also known as Scandinavian Christmas Spice Cookies. These little cookies are sure to be a big hit in your home or at a party. I had to snap a picture quickly...
I enjoy beef satay way more than I do skewering small pieces of beef. Besides, I've never made satay, and not stuck a bamboo skewer into my finger at some...
This ginger-lime cider is a traditional Brazilian drink. Wonderfully warm and surprisingly sweet and spicy, Quentao is a fabulous holiday alternative to...
These enchiladas are full of fresh vegetables and my ace in the hole - cotija cheese. Sour cream makes a nice saucy filling. My vegetarian husband gives...
I'm lucky enough to live in an area with a large Hispanic population and what seems like a Mexican restaurant or taqueria on every corner. They each have...
This easy-to make recipe is very inexpensive. I made it for my boyfriend's family and his mother is Filipino! They loved it! You can really mix in a lot...
I got my first taste of this creamy caramel in Chile. Knowing I couldn't buy it where I live in the United States, I practiced with trial and error until...