I got a recipe off here for chicken lasagna rollups, and after making it a couple times I thought it would be a lot better Mexican-style! It is AMAZING!...
This is the Italianization of a stacked enchilada. Great for a party where you need to bring something, and easy to make. Canned nopalitos (cactus) can...
Delicious dish with great flavor due to the browning of the gnocchi which gives it a crisp exterior. A quick tomato sauce is built in the empty skillet....
My boyfriend and I are trying to find more ways to eat healthy. This tuna steak absolutely hits the spot. In short, it makes a perfect meal when served...
Here is a super easy recipe with fantastic results. It takes traditional stuffed peppers and gives them a Mexican twist that's flavorful and hearty! Serve...
This is a quick and easy curry in a hurry recipe I use to spice up meal time during the week. This also makes great leftovers! By adding a couple of extra...
A tender, juicy grilled pork tenderloin accented with an Asian-inspired honey garlic sauce with a touch of citrus. Excellent served with rice, or teriyaki...
Farro is a wonderful grain that imparts incredible texture in the one-skillet meal. I use cantanzaro herbs from the Savory Spice Shop® because they're...
Dak galbi is another spicy, stir-fried chicken dish that all Koreans seem to love. The main dish between this and other spicy dishes is the addition of...
For those who aren't in the mood for a broth dish or those who aren't good with broths (such as myself), this is a great way to make your own healthier...
German dishes are great because they require very few ingredients. This easy way to make pork chops is flavorful and easy to do. By breading the pork chops...
After years of tweaking this recipe, I've finally got it to where I want it. Everyone raves about this lasagna just the way it is, although I'll probably...
Chicken 65 is a very, very simple (zip, zap, zoom...) spicy fried chicken, usually served as an appetizer. Anyone can make it without going wrong--one...
This delicious Italian dessert is a must-have dish for Italian family gatherings. We would always make it for Christmas. This recipe can be divided or...
This cake is named after the Saint Fanourios. It's said that if you've lost something, you make this cake so that St Fanourios can help you find it. While...
My version of the traditional Filipino dish. This can be prepped well ahead of time, leaving the pork to marinate for at least a couple of hours, the longer...
Little ear pasta, also known as orecchiette, in a creamy sauce with Italian sausage and broccolini. Serve with a salad and garlic bread for a hearty Puglia-style...
This is a wonderfully flavorful meatball that is easy to make, requires little prep time, and is a sure hit for those looking for traditional Thai flavors...
This simple, tasty sandwich combines the great textures of whipped cream cheese, chicken, and chutney. Use smaller croissants to turn this into an appetizer,...
A spicy chili-flavored rub is used to add depth and complexity to grilled flank steak. Top with cool and creamy avocado salsa, roll up in a warm corn tortilla,...
This is my take on the cilantro-lime quinoa bowl from everyone's favorite Mexican-inspired coastal fast food chain. It turned out pretty good. You can...
A quick, light couscous stir-fry with Indian flavors. Great for vegetarians, but easily adapted into a chicken dish. Feel free to substitute veggies any...
This is a hearty pizza macaroni bake jazzed up with pepperoni and sausage for pizza-like flavor. This is a favorite with kids. Rotini or ziti can be substituted...