Hot Italian Dish cookbook by Victoria Gotti. This is one of my favorite dishes to order when dining out. I am so glad that I can now make it at home. I...
This is a variation on a recipe my mum used to make when I was growing up. It is so comforting and relatively easy to put together. I serve it with mashed...
Popular in Israel and you can use any meat, beef, or lamb. Usually prepared without any veggies on the skewers and best served with salads and pita. Preparation...
My adaptation of Huey's Weiner Schnitzel with a Proper Potato Salad. It is the homemade mayonnaise that makes this potato salad particularly delicious...
The flavors for this scream out Fall Cooking! One could substitute pork or chicken but this is a great way to demonstrate using inexpensive cuts to make...
This is a very simple meal to put together and it tastes great, all the flavours go really well together. The butter has to be made ahead of time as you...
You can use your choice of veal scallopine or veal chops....the scallopine is more expensive, but also more tender. Make the sauce first, quickly saute...
This recipe came from Epicurious. Using meatloaf mix - a combination of ground beef, veal, and pork - ensures a juicy result. While the meatloaf cooks,...
This classic St. John dish uses veal bones for a more delicate texture and flavor. ("They've got youth on their side," says Fergus.) Ask your butcher for...
I've made this stuffing for my family every Christmas and Thanksgiving for about seven years. I keep wanting to try a new one, but they keep saying this...
This is wonderful!! Everyone that I have served this too - young or old - have raved about this one. It can be made one day ahead to make the meal easy...
Ripped a page out a magazine years ago. What a great picture. It says "dinner classic: tender cutlets, gently browned, smothered in a flavorful mushroom-vermouth...
From: "The New Family Cookbook for People with Diabetes" Yield: 5 servings (1-lb of cooked meat will yield about 5 servings) Diabetic Exchanges: 1/2 Starch,...
My husband picked up veal on sale and I wasn't sure what to do with it. My hubby suggested making veal parmesan, so I decided I would just make it like...
If you are looking to impress someone with a wonderful dinner, this is the way to go. This is an elegant yet quick and simple dinner to serve and have...