Refrigerate the dressing base in an airtight container, up to 2 weeks, before adding mix-ins. For a lower-fat version, replace the sour cream with low-fat...
Eating fried foods is, of course, one of Hanukkah's delicious traditions. Sufganiyot, or jelly doughnuts, can be given out as party favors when arranged...
This is an oven-baked risotto with the deep, fragrant flavour of mushrooms. It's extremely creamy and luscious but - can you believe it? - it contains...
This piadina, or thin Italian flatbread, is fashioned after a margherita pizza, but feel free to experiment with your own combo of vegetables and oozy...
This is a great recipe for one person. It's quick and easy, yet special and different. If you want to make it for two people, use a 9 inch (23 cm) pan...
We reinvented a classic pastry as an homage to the rose: Pastry cream and whipped cream -- the first flavored with rose syrup, the second with rose water...
Very delicious rice pilaf with dried fruits, chicken, and nuts. Great way to liven up leftover chicken or pork. Also a wonderful dish for a vegetarian...
The golden rule of stir-frying rice successfully is to always make sure the cooked rice is absolutely cold. In other words, you can't boil it and stir-fry...
This delicious vegetarian twist on a classic Greek moussaka recipe, made with Quorn Mince and aubergine is a delicious weekend treat that the whole family...
Veggie burgers with a kick! My husband and I are not vegetarians at all, but we're trying to cut down on the amount of chicken and meat we eat because...
How's this for a magnificent, meat-free entrée? The maitake mushroom is serendipitously steak-size, and looks regal atop the Japanese sweet-potato-and-leek...
Date night dinner perfected! Kale and mushroom stroganoff is one of my favorites to make for it. It's so hearty and delicious but a lot healthier than...
Veggie burgers with a kick! My husband and I are not vegetarians at all, but we're trying to cut down on the amount of chicken and meat we eat because...
These delightful tartlets contain a combination of melted cheese, lightly sauteed asparagus tips and whole, lightly baked eggs. They are simple to prepare...
This is a delicious dish that can easily be used as a main dish. This is a recipe that I only follow measurements on the milk, the rest is by eye only...
This is a delicious vegetarian side dish with any type of entree. Watch it disappear. Great pot luck dish, as it can be served right from the oven or just...
Easy, delicious slow cooker recipe that uses some of those dry beans hiding in your pantry. Just about any bean can be substituted for the black-eyed peas....
For this six-ingredient sauce, puréed tomatoes are simmered with sweet onion, zippy red pepper flakes, and plenty of garlic. A nub of butter stirred in...
Okay, so I'm obviously a fan of Doctor Who (and his Timey-Wimey device), but there is thyme involved! And cheese, and all of my recipe guinea pigs love...
Delicious main dish featuring millet, mung beans, assorted vegetables, flavors and cheese. Yummy! My husband won a local cooking contest with a similar...
These crispy patties are a perfect substitute for a burger. Serve in a pita with lettuce, tomato, and cucumber, and you've got yourself a great Mediterranean...
These enchiladas are a filling and flavorful recipe that will satisfy everyone, even non-vegetarians. These are best when you use really large tortilla...
These enchiladas are a filling and flavorful recipe that will satisfy everyone, even non-vegetarians. These are best when you use really large tortilla...
Unlike most of America's other favorite fast foods, falafel is rarely attempted at home, which is a shame, since it's very simple to do, and even a relative...