(Chayotes Fritos) A hard, green, mild squash, the chayote is another wonderful plant native to Mexico. The beauty of the chayote is that it takes on the...
Grilling radicchio not only gives it a smoky flavor but it also tames the bitterness it has when raw. This recipe is simple to prepare and would pair nicely...
I've eaten a few times at Pizza Uno, it's one of the few chain places I like because they have a good veggie burger with actual veggie sides! (And their...
This cauliflower "steak" is so impressive, your meal will demand a steak knife! Prep work is simplified for this sheet-pan dinner with an herbed garlic...
Of course, I don't believe this dish is Spanish at all, but rather Cajun from Louisiana. I made it quite often in the 1960s. Then - as now - in home cooking,...
From FoodTv, one of the Malnati brother's gives this recipe. I use it for both deep dish and thin crust pizza. Makes a lot. I make the recipe, split into...
Delicious summer salad - adapted from food network! I didn't include this in the recipe but I like to toast my own french bread croutons and toss them...
Although the marinade sounds similar to several of those given for tofu, it's just different enough that, when used on the completely different tempeh,...
Lentils, rice, olive oil, and onions-this Middle Eastern standard is the ultimate pantry recipe. It's also the classic example of a dish that's greater...
This recipe is excerpted from Joan Nathan's book The Foods of Israel Today. Nathan also shared some helpful cooking tips exclusively with Epicurious, which...
Flaming desserts-like this one and crepes suzette-were all the rage at fine dining establishments in the sixties. The title here refers to the sweet cherries,...
The dairy-free secret to this easy fudge's creaminess? Avocado. The key to a firmly set but fudgy texture is using bittersweet chocolate with minimum 60%...
This popular breakfast food is also a late-night favorite after a good "lime." "Lime" is the Trini term for "hanging out." On Friday and Saturday nights,...